Game Help: Leagues


Leagues are groupings of players with different tiers of Player Rating Score.

  • There are 6 major Leagues, each consisting of 3 sub Leagues. Players ascend to higher Leagues by winning ranked games, which increases their Rating Scores. Losing ranked games typically causes you to lose rating scores.
  • If your player rating score increases and reaches the promotion threshold of a higher league, you get promoted to that league.
  • If your player rating score decreases and reaches the demotion threshold of a lower league, you get demoted to that league.
  • The higher player rating score in the 2 matchmaking game modes determines the League you are in.
  • The amount of player rating score earned or lost is impacted by your current League, the rating difference between you and your opponent, and whether you’re on a winning streak.

League Rewards
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League Rewards
You will be rewarded differently for staying at certain Leagues.

Weekly Rewards

  • You earn weekly rewards at the end of each week, based on the League you are in, and the number of ranked games you have completed within that week.
  • The higher League you are in and the more games completed, the better rewards you will get.

Season Rewards

  • You earn Season rewards at the end of each season, which is every 4 calendar weeks, based on the League you are in, and the number of ranked games you have completed within the season.
  • The higher League you are in and the more games completed, the better rewards you will get.

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