Referral code for Im1stunna

If you need another referral drop your code here and I’ll follow you as well.

We can use each others codes.


Used yours. Hopefully you enjoy my success.

I tried using your code but because I already used someone else’s it won’t let me use yours. We can be friends though if there’s a way to add people in game. My ign is Kleptö.

We can’t add eachother. It’s ok.

We’re friends in the game. I thought I’ve seen you before.

We’re friends in the game. The way the codes work is like inviting someone you know. So we can’t invite eachother. That would t make sense. So I added your code so now we are friends.

Greetings guys!


Hey guys, use my code!


Shaco I fought you… and lost :cry: I was trying something new but it failed…

I don’t think anyone has used my code yet :rofl:

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I was ready to surrender when i saw your lvl 7 phobies xD

I’ve been workin’ with Smother Mother tryin’ nrw tactics with her. It’s hard due to costing 9 keys, that’s really what messed me up. Either way gg

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Hi guys here is my rc
Thanks in advance