(This will probably be unseen by the devs, but) I got leshy just yesterday, and like everyone said, he’s bad, and very situational against phobies such as Russell, baaaad sheep, noxious, etc. But he is extremely weak with his stats. I really want to use him. And i want him to be useful.
I have 2 suggestions
Yes please, he’s currently unworthy of his rarity. No surprise healing because of pre-summon cool down, cool down is very long, stats are bad for it’s key cost. Situations where you’ll need him is very rare, Getting him as your first guaranteed ultra is really bad.
always a shame when a Ultra is just not usable at all, my funghiguy cecilia got a buff but meh. Lila is just the better one as a rare.
to Leshy i can just say i met him like once in 1000 games, long time ago.
According to his phobie wiki i would also see to make him as a 2 range attacker. and maybe lower attack a bit