Event pass question

If i buy an event pass in the middle of the event, do i get the rewards i have already passed? If yes, i do receive them, will i loss any rewards if the event pass pushes me over the cap limits?

Hey there!

You can purchase the pass at any time WITHIN the duration that the pass is available for.
The pass will grant you the rewards that you had missed out on prior to purchasing, so you will get those. :slight_smile: You shouldn’t lose any rewards. Not sure about the second portion of the question.

So how do i get confirmation on the second part of my question?

I don’t understand the second part of the question.
You should not lose any rewards, from my understanding.

Apologies for misunderstanding.

There is a cap limit for how much of the purple blobs and coffee you can receive each day right? Ive been playing all day and i fear with all the purple blobs i will receive from the event pass, that i will miss out on some if it pushes me over the cap. If inhave this wrong then sorry i am just confused and i would to be sure before i purchase it. Thank you for the replies btw.


Now I completely understand ya!

Think about the event pass being ADDITIONAL resources that you can earn.
You get your daily caps for what you earn in matches / normal methods. The Event Pass grants ADDITIONAL resources on top of that. :slight_smile:

Thats good to know…thank you again

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