Hackers destroying arena: conveniently disappearing games

Hacker = gifthorse
This is second time happened in last 3 days. ( Not sure if first was also gifthorse). 6:30 approx MST.

So playing arena and winning in the extreme I see the heart of opponent die. Suddenly I am disconnected - error message is repeated 5 times. ( Never has happened more than once typically.). Upon reboot the game has never happened - no record, no additional game logged.

The first time this happened about three days ago, the enemy was just about to die ( no hope) - then he / she was disconnected error message. Upon reconnection the game again ended - disappeared without a trace.

Anyone else? It couldn’t be a bug as is always right before / as opponent dies in a way that never happens during normal arena play. I’m not a great player so not fulfilling an honest win makes me sad.


I guess this will be another reason why i dont play arena

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I can’t find him if I search is name for adding him as a frenemies
How is this possible?

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Hey there.

Could you submit a ticket under #request-support over on discord.gg/phobiesgame so we can obtain more information?

If you are able to share a clip of the match or recording over there, that would be fantastic, too.

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I wish I had taken some screenshots, I only noted screen name the second time this happened.
Now I take a screenshot at the start of every arena. Because when this happens, no record of the game exists to even show you. Do you still want me to do a ticket?

You want me to record all my arena games? Not sure how to do that but I could find out. Maybe only if I’m winning which is rare. Thanks for looking into it - wish I had more information.

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Confirm there are such cheaters in the game created a topic and screenshots of the battle evidence

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If you suspect any player of any bad behaviour such as hacking/cheating, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at community@smokingguninc.com or discord.gg/phobiesgame under #request-support

We will need your in-game name, opponents name, and any screenshots/clips to review.

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