Help wanted

Hello. If you are a person and have Goon please add me :^) my ign is Mech-ode

Hihihi, lucky you, i like goon

Do You have him? If so whats your ign :]

Yes, i have already requested as IDKnames231, also, YOU FIND USE OF THE SPEEDOLAS???

I only have red speedola and have been consistently winning games with him. I dont have the other though.

Bruh how, i have both speedolas and they do not give out good results

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I mean maybe using both is too much investment on certain maps but in my experience Red Speedola is a great tank. He allows you to play very aggressive in certain situations and is very hard to kill, if you position well enough his prescence can be a real pain for your opponent. He is also very good at dealing with electricals more specifically ray chargels and temptress.

I mean maybe using both is too much investment on certain maps but in my experience Red Speedola is a great tank. He allows you to play very aggressive in certain situations and is very hard to kill, if you position well enough his prescence can be a real pain for your opponent. He is also very good at dealing with electricals more specifically ray chargels, thunder rocks abd temptress.

I dont have Goon but i have Blue and red speedola. It is fun using them, especially at large map with lot of poison/disease.

Yeah but most of the time they put stuff like erratic, you know, like one of THE BEST electrical phobies you can use for mechs, which i just cant get around

I’d just try to play around eratic with my other non mechs.

Ts but still, most of the time my speedolas turn into my main attackers since they cost so much

Depends on map. Do not recommend on small maps, i just play red alone so i have more keys freed up. I dont know about the double speedola experience…

oki than sent you a request as myNightmare

Thanks, hopefully we can do an arena match.

Double-speedola is something I’ve been rocking for awhile, and sometimes I add werewolf to the fray. The best part is being able to just absolutely full send it across the map if need be. In one of my most recent games, I used brony to disable all my opponent’s cards and then I used the previous three speedy cards to absolutely punish them. I won before they got a single attack.

What’s Goon? Do you have a pic perhaps?

Its the 6 key hockey player with the line attack

Oh well WHOOP-DI-DOO for you, you can get easy use for the speedolas with others like werewolf and brony, MY best sider with them is healers like clinico and dr. dermic, so i cant get anything done with them

Thanks for showing me goon :grin:
Also, sorry, I didn’t realize I was showing off my URs. I don’t have many of them, it’s pretty much just those two.