[2449.797] Inventory - Failed to Find/Load asset: ‘sprites/common/monsters/cyclops/lazyeye_attack’ of type ‘VesaTemplate’
[2450.656] Moving sim/objtemplates/monsters/undeadrhino/level01 to (6, 5)
[2452.859] sim/objtemplates/monsters/undeadrhino/level01 using ability
[2452.859] with param 0 position: (5, 4)
[2455.063] sim/objtemplates/monsters/cerberus/level01 attacking position (4, 3)
[2457.859] Moving sim/objtemplates/monsters/cyclops/level01 to (6, 4)
[2458.156] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ with requirement Authenticated Enqueued RID 46E2F29D-B10D-44E1-A037-5903D85E5526
[2458.156] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ Started RID 46E2F29D-B10D-44E1-A037-5903D85E5526
[2458.359] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ Completed in 0.201s RID 46E2F29D-B10D-44E1-A037-5903D85E5526
[2467.766] Moving sim/objtemplates/monsters/voodoodoll/level01 to (9, 5)
[2468.156] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ with requirement Authenticated Enqueued RID 51646216-CFAB-426A-A845-8D236E238FF4
[2468.156] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ Started RID 51646216-CFAB-426A-A845-8D236E238FF4
[2468.359] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ Completed in 0.200s RID 51646216-CFAB-426A-A845-8D236E238FF4
[2469.266] Moving sim/objtemplates/monsters/voodoodoll/level01 to (8, 5)
[2471.719] Setting 3rd side to monster 82, croc
[2471.719] Gui – EnterScreen [gui/screenfiles/monstercard/monstercard_ingame]
[2471.719] Gui – Screen Focus GAINED [gui/screenfiles/monstercard/monstercard_ingame]
[2472.453] Gui – ExitScreen [gui/screenfiles/monstercard/monstercard_ingame]
[2472.469] Spawning monster 82 with spawn ID 0 at level 4 for team Second at position (12, 8)
[2472.469] moving to (10, 6)
[2472.500] Inventory – Flushed 20 entries
[2472.703] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/monstercard/monstercard_ingame]
[2472.703] GuiManager::ProcessScreensMarkedForCleanup – mem used 437972992
[2473.297] Inventory – Flushed 28 entries
[2478.172] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ with requirement Authenticated Enqueued RID C9514B09-CB16-41C9-BCB6-4F970CF20402
[2478.172] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ Started RID C9514B09-CB16-41C9-BCB6-4F970CF20402
[2478.359] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ Completed in 0.184s RID C9514B09-CB16-41C9-BCB6-4F970CF20402
[2478.469] Moving sim/objtemplates/monsters/croc/level01 to (8, 6)
[2483.078] FindOptionalStateMachineIndex – requesting unknown statemachine [debuff].
[2483.078] FindOptionalStateMachineIndex – requesting unknown statemachine [debuffmovement].
[2483.078] FindOptionalStateMachineIndex – requesting unknown statemachine [buff].
[2483.078] FindOptionalStateMachineIndex – requesting unknown statemachine [buffmovement].
[2486.000] Inventory – Flushed 4 entries
[2486.016] Gui – EnterScreen [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_loading_screen]
[2486.016] Gui – Screen Focus GAINED [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_loading_screen]
[2486.016] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/postturndata?gameid=7ce4ee5e-177a-4df9-90f8-188fbc36fd64’ with requirement Authenticated Enqueued RID FC21DE5B-5BB4-4A49-92BA-ADCFC0AA9971
[2486.031] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/postturndata?gameid=7ce4ee5e-177a-4df9-90f8-188fbc36fd64’ Started RID FC21DE5B-5BB4-4A49-92BA-ADCFC0AA9971
[2486.266] WireSocket – Protocol error: Server Error
[2486.266] WireSocketManager – Server Error: Server Error
[2486.266] Gui – EnterScreen [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_generic_dialog]
[2486.266] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/decorators/decorators_main]
[2486.266] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/hud_battle/hudbattle_main]
[2486.266] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/hud_battle/replay_main]
[2486.266] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_loading_screen]
[2486.266] Gui – Screen Focus GAINED [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_generic_dialog]
[2486.266] Failed to post turn. Canceled promise
[2486.281] GuiManager::ProcessScreensMarkedForCleanup – mem used 434028544
Because this game is bugged, I’m not able to continue other games in queue.
This is sad.
My in-game user name is HighVoltage.
Is there anything you need so you can fix my client?
Hi @BitterLemons ! Sorry this is happening to you, however, we need more details so we can understand what exactly is happening. Can you also please provide us with more information:
- Was the game working properly before? Were you able to launch and play the game before?
- If your answer is yes, when did you start experiencing this issue?
- When you open the game what do you see? Do you see an error message? Does it crash? Is it stuck on the loading screen? Was there an error message (if so, what does it say)?
- What device model are you playing the game on?
- What’s your device’s Operating System and what’s the OS version?
- Please describe the issue and what you’re experiencing step by step.
- Please send evidence by attaching a screenshot or a valid video/image link.
Send all those details including the proof to: community@smokingguninc.com
Q1:Yes I was able to play the game properly before, this is the first time I encountered such bug.
Q2:I started experiencing this issue today 4th May 2022, I did my turn and it didn’t proceed onwards.
Q3:When I open the game, it works fine, but opening the game that gives me the bug repeatedly fails to progress. I can duplicate the error message if I replicate the procedure. It does not crash the game. Does not get stuck in the loading screen, it’s just this one particular game that is preventing me to progress onto other games. The error message told me to come to this website, and paste the content that got clipped to my copy.
Q4:The model I’m using is PC, Desk Top, Windows 10 Home.
Q5:My Operating System is Windows, and this is the version…
Version : Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4170.0
Q6:I took my turn, moving a bunch of Phobie units, attacked with them, ended my turn, and the game wasn’t capable to execute my turn to continue further.
*I also play this game in windowed mode (smaller game-screen)
?! I attempted to find the bug screen again, but when I tried, it had no problem. (So it’s actually fixed?)
I hope my response helped.
Yours Sincerely,
BitterLemons and/or HighVoltage
?! I attempted to find the bug screen again, but when I tried, it had no problem. (So it’s actually fixed?)
Hey there! Your response is perfect, thank you!
Regarding this statement above, are you able to elaborate for us? Is the issue still pending or is it resolved?
I believe the issue is resolved since I was able to get my EXP points and continue.
Thank you for your help, appreciated the fast & polite response I’ve received here.
Yours Sincerely,
BitterLemons and/or HighVoltage
You are very welcome! Glad to hear that the issue has been resolved.
If you do notice any error, we’ll do our best to assist again!