Please help me

I cant play. It days it is a bug…

[4350.404] Inventory - Failed to Find/Load asset: [sprites/common/fx/projectiles/fireball/fireball] of type [SpriteAnimation]
[4350.405] FlatActorTemplate::Initialize default animation [sprites/common/fx/projectiles/fireball/fireball] not found for flatactor template [sprites/common/monsters/hellhound/hellhound_special]
[4351.067] BattleGameInteractor – Queueing Action: sim/objtemplates/monsters/hellhound/level01 on position (4, 1)
[4351.336] BattleGameInteractor – Queueing Action: sim/objtemplates/monsters/hellhound/level01 on position (5, 2)
[4352.479] BattleGameInteractor – Posting MoveCommand from unit sim/objtemplates/monsters/skeletontiger/level01, on position (5, 2)
[4352.553] Moving sim/objtemplates/monsters/skeletontiger/level01 to (5, 2)
[4353.365] BattleGameInteractor – Queueing Action: sim/objtemplates/monsters/skeletontiger/level01 on position (7, 3)
[4353.410] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ with requirement Authenticated Enqueued RID DA2839AC-45C6-41C1-A2A0-A21BE5A6672D
[4353.410] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ Started RID DA2839AC-45C6-41C1-A2A0-A21BE5A6672D
[4353.495] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ Completed in 0.084s RID DA2839AC-45C6-41C1-A2A0-A21BE5A6672D
[4353.495] BattleGameInteractor – Posting AttackCommand from unit sim/objtemplates/monsters/skeletontiger/level01, on position (7, 3)
[4353.551] sim/objtemplates/monsters/skeletontiger/level01 attacking position (7, 3)
[4353.563] BattleGameInteractor – Queueing Action: sim/objtemplates/monsters/skeletontiger/level01 on position (7, 3)
[4355.893] BattleGameInteractor – Posting MoveCommand from unit sim/objtemplates/monsters/fly/level01, on position (4, 2)
[4355.952] Moving sim/objtemplates/monsters/fly/level01 to (4, 2)
[4357.784] BattleGameInteractor – Queueing Action: sim/objtemplates/monsters/fly/level01 on position (5, 3)
[4357.784] BattleGameInteractor – Posting MoveCommand from unit sim/objtemplates/monsters/fly/level01, on position (5, 3)
[4357.854] Moving sim/objtemplates/monsters/fly/level01 to (5, 3)
[4358.657] BattleGameInteractor – Queueing Action: sim/objtemplates/monsters/potato/level01 on position (4, 1)
[4359.070] BattleGameInteractor – Posting MoveCommand from unit sim/objtemplates/monsters/potato/level01, on position (4, 1)
[4359.157] Moving sim/objtemplates/monsters/potato/level01 to (4, 1)
[4363.418] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ with requirement Authenticated Enqueued RID EBFF2F1A-E0ED-4974-85C0-5483CDE55201
[4363.418] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ Started RID EBFF2F1A-E0ED-4974-85C0-5483CDE55201
[4363.571] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ Completed in 0.153s RID EBFF2F1A-E0ED-4974-85C0-5483CDE55201
[4364.672] Inventory – Flushed 132 entries
[4364.753] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/postturndata?gameid=099a0a98-6e97-455e-ad62-1c27aa481308’ with requirement Authenticated Enqueued RID 57B9B0E9-14B8-4A2C-A853-DD72C366226B
[4364.754] Gui – EnterScreen [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_loading_screen]
[4364.754] Gui – Screen Focus GAINED [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_loading_screen]
[4364.760] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/postturndata?gameid=099a0a98-6e97-455e-ad62-1c27aa481308’ Started RID 57B9B0E9-14B8-4A2C-A853-DD72C366226B
[4370.663] WireSocket – Protocol error: Server Error
[4370.663] WireSocketManager – Server Error: Server Error
[4370.674] Gui – EnterScreen [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_generic_dialog]
[4370.675] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/decorators/decorators_main]
[4370.675] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/hud_battle/hudbattle_main]
[4370.675] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/hud_battle/replay_main]
[4370.675] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_loading_screen]
[4370.675] Gui – Screen Focus GAINED [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_generic_dialog]
[4370.705] Failed to post turn. Canceled promise
[4370.705] Gui – ExitScreen [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_loading_screen]
[4370.976] GuiManager::ProcessScreensMarkedForCleanup – mem used 820785152

Hey there!

We’re very sorry to hear that you have had some trouble.

Are you still experiencing this issue?

Yes. The bug is still appearing. Fix it!!!

Please hwlp me too can someone please help me get my old account back the old device it was on is destroyed sorry to topic bomb nut i cant find out how to post my own phobies is a great game

Hey King! We can assist you over on our under #request-help

Hey Draggard. Could you submit a ticket under #request-support on with your log files ( new ones ) + in-game name, device, and a small description of the issue?

We’re sorry to hear that this is an ongoing issue for you and will have our team look into it. :slight_smile:

Please fox it
Or maybe yoi can delete the match that causes the problem