New friendz

Wanna be friends? My username is basilic749(pls add me I have no friends :frowning: )


i added you
my name is the same on phobies as it is here
its cool that you have fleshcrawler this early btw

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Thanks you!(But I dont have fleshcrawler,dont know where u Saw this)

Oh then i think i added the wrong person :no_mouth:

Try adding me

added you
(20 characters)

I’ll add u my ign is unknown263 I sent you a friend request

umm just realized its not my ign,my real ign is basilic749 but anyways I sent u a friend request

oh okay so that’s who that was. Ill start a match with you

can i add u? (doodle875)

Sure just send me a inv

I added u
(20 characters)

Consider yourself added :slight_smile:
ign is myNightmare

im looking for a challnege (not too hard, just equally)

I’m Jingle473. Feel free to friend me and start matches with me.

Btw, my stress level is 67.

I wanna be friended so i can battle people my name in phobies is imsoooocrazy

oh hell na thats high lvl player alright

If you want, I can put all of the matches at level 1. imsooocrazy, I didn’t see your username. Are you sure that’s it?

I made an error,m’y ign is max749