Phobies board game

Look the best thing for us to do is test stuff, if it works and we can get basic’s like turns and remembering what happened in which order, etc. Even if we can’t 3d stuff we can at least practise with stuff like paper, or cardboard.

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Maybe give the board game a timer for each player to make their move sort of like the arena mode in Phobies

Good idea!
(20 characters)

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The only issue so far I see with this game is how complicated it might be to keep track of each individual Phobie with their health and attack unless we can make the system more simple/easier to calculate

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Yeah I do get at what your talking about. I tried a very basic version with like 8 phobies and hardly any abilities and the worst part was keeping track of health (as writing down on a piece of paper is hard) and 2 remembering where our phobies were last turn and how many moves does each phobie have. Even worse making sure each player knows which phobies are theirs. (For the last one I put little colour’s on top but It would not work for an actual trading card game.)

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The phobies would probably stay level 1 in the board game so the numbers would be a bit more evened out, even so it might still be hard to keep track of everything

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Im thinking of some kind of chart to keep track of damage or health. Maybe the phobies instead level up for each phobie they kill

Maybe calculating the health and damage in intervals of 50, For example jar Cannon would have 400 health and 250 damage making it much easier to track

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That would be a cool game mode for the actual game, but i feel like keeping the numbers about even would be alot less of a hassel for the players to calculate.


I think that the best way to calculate stuff is with counters like in Pokemon. Its compact and easy to see, so I think that would make it simple. About it being level 1, yeah, though cause I plan to do this with about 40 people where we physically have stuff like, most exp this week gets _____. So for me I do plan to use levels, but if it was a board game like how we are currently speaking I agree that staying with level 1 would be good.


I’ve got an idea what to do with the traps… everyone would get a paper with a section for their own notes and a 2nd section where they would write location and the type of the traps…


Would work unlessssss they lied :P. Kinda just have to ignore that otherwise its impossible but yeah, closest plan we can do. So far I’m planning to kinda run each game, as a referee like a Dm or a werewolf moderator, cause somethings like traps need to be 100% assured how they work.


I think that neither the idea of leveling up on a kill and the rounding to the closest “50” wouldn’t work, because it would make some phobies imbalanced:

  1. phobies with less hp = easy to kill +lvl up
  2. sacrificing phobies = phobies unable to lvl up
  3. the hp/dmg is perfectly designed and no need to round anything (there are some hp/dmg grids in game - some phobies have same number in hp or dmg, for example: Murder wing deals 250dmg on lvl 1 just as Creep’s sa - basic grid 250hp/dmg)

So instead I’ve come up with something else: in those packs, where you can get new phobies and upgrades etc., you will get like ten or more little pieces with the number of dmg the phobie deals (lvl 1 if new or the current dmg if upgrade). Then it would simply be placed on the damaged phobie’s card. Players can always count the exact number for themselves (that’s why the paper for notes). After the damaged phobie dies the pieces will return to all phobies that damaged it. It would work the same for healing, but I would make a little change with poison/disease, when you get new poisonou phobie, you would get a small card with it, where you can put all the “poison dmg pieces” (amount depending on the time it lasts), then you would put the card on the poisoned phobie and damage it with one piece from the card every turn.

This might lead to a situation, where the pieces are covering important stuff on the card, so there should be a section on the side of the card where you can place these. Here is my drawing of what you get when you unlock Creep (without the figure).

The things under the white line are for some other phobies: healing spa (Bluelien) a tile on fire, piece of healing, two pieces of stat buffs and a piece of frozen status (flips upside down each turn)

Same things come when you get a new map (dmg, healing pieces, poison/disease card) except for the tiles which are obviously built in the map.

What do you think. Thx for reponses:)


That is so much work and pretty great ideas! I feel like putting tokens on the cards puts us in the right direction and also fixes some issues with health. Great art btw. Also, for keys, we can just make actual key’s cause you know, it works. With levels. Tbh i think we should just put a pin in levels for now. More importantly, how do we remember turn stuff like where pieces were last turn, how many actions left per piece, and also how are we gonna make pulling and pushing work, cause I have no idea howww it works.


The biggest flaw of this system is percentage dmg that depends on dmg of a different phobie… The best thing I can think of is that Stabby, Zappy etc. are gonna gave pieces with the percent of dmg in their pack and when they receive damage from other phobies they place the piece on them (everyone would have to count the percent of the phobies base dmg + you would have to add additional dmg of stim pad under the percent piece if it was standing on it while it damaged Stabby or Zappy). I don’t think there is a better solution to percentages etc. than a calculator (could add a mini into starter packs).:sweat_smile:

Calculator works, trust me.


Very rudimentary version I made with like 8 phobies. Just showing what I’ve made so far. The panic points r there, obstacles, I know its not 3D but idk how and this is just a test run. I also (believe it or not) remade the cards entirely on scratch.


Wow, thats a lot of work! I think the ideal material for the phobies maps if it were to become a real product would be a strong cardboard with little holes to interlock the phobies figures and the obstacles+other stuff.

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The only issue that I see so far is that it might get too complex however it is a good idea to still keep the original hp, attack, etc… if there is going to be a game master similar to Dungeons and Dragons that keeps track of everything

I had an idea that if we can’t really make 3D models or anything, we can slot pieces of cardboard into little holders, and put them in the opposite direction of your vault so you can tell which pieces are on which teams. Or the holders could be different colours, all you would need is 14 holders max for 7 for each team on a large map.