That’s a great idea, kinda like the real game where your Phobies and the enemy Phobies face different directions (I think)
I actually think that this is a good idea! using figurines combined with cards (all set to lvl. 1 stats) would be cool! I think that the base game would come with a customizable board (that is, a board outline for you to put tiles in) so that you could copy board patterns from the game, or just make your own. The cards would determine damage, and each phobie could come with damage counters that matched their damage output or all phobie damages are rounded to the nearest 100. That way, phobies with complicated damage calculations would be much easier implemented. The only thing that I don’t think works fluently is traps. I have no clue how to add them in… but some suggestions on here are pretty good basis, and you could even place traps under tiles using the board outline idea, and if someone lands on your trap, you reveal it to them. (You could also buy an expanded version of the game for larger maps as well as smaller maps, because they all seem to have the same 2 sizes.) Every single one of these base games would have all the phobies every player starts with, plus a random, yet game accurate selection of other beginner phobies for players to use. For example, on top of Razor Mouth, Grave Digger, Sheeping Gas, etc. You can unlock K-9000, Stabby, Alley Gator, etc. as random pulls from the starter game, and each game will come with 2 sets so that 2 players can play without needing to buy a 2nd game.
Oh! and if a character has a Terrorform ability, it would list the HP of the walls they create.
I think the best way to solve this is if you just included pull mechanics in a page of the instructions, listing priority. For akira’s pull, you would probably have to oblige to these rules for the closest pieces first, then the second closest, and so on and so forth until you get through all of the phobies on the board. (phobies in a direct path in any direction would take priority, though. e.g. if a phobie is a straight 2 spaces away without a bend, it would take priority over a pull on another phobie 2 spaces away that does have a bend in the direct line to akira.)
Yeah what you’ve said seems pretty much perfect! I’m going to try to make all of the starter phobies on cards and pieces by today but other than that this seems to be going great!
No need for that, since there is nothing about pulling/pushing on the internet, I went explore it myself in game. So pulling works like this: there is always 0-2 tiles where the pulled phobie can move. If there is two of them it depends where the pulled phobie is located in relation to the pulling phobie. In the first pic you can see triangle (pulling phobie) and circles (pulled phobies). It’s not Akira pull, so let’s say it’s pulling them like this separately (ignore the two phobies in the pic going into same place). Now why does it pull like this, if the pulled phobie is on the left, it is always pulled “in” (on the tile on or closer to horizontal line the pulling phobie is on - the orange one), now if the phobie is on the right side, it is pulled “out” (closer to vertical line - blue).
This works at every distance. Last possibility is that the pulled phobie is exactly above or under the pulling phobie, then it is always pulled to the tile on the left. Area pulls work the same (the targeted and then the closest phobies have a priority…).
It works kinda similarly, but there are some differences: it always pulls enemy phobies first, there is an area (green on the last pic), where the phobies cannot be pulled closer to the vertical line, then it seems like the two halves (enemy/friendly) are pulled one by one from left to right instead from closest to furthest (obviously they move at the same time but the first have priority). Well all of this works in all experiments I tried and all clips I found, except for one (karth vs LordVander) where the Sheeping Gas is pulled on a different tile than I was expecting it to, unfortunately I couldn’t find any similar exceptions on the internet so I couldn’t make any rule for it. I think this will have to do it for now… Imma try to do the same with pushing.
Here is pic of a made up Akira pull (purple circles are friendly).
I’ve created 3D models in Tinkercad for the character bases, tiles, hearts, and vaults. The tile count is 45, which is 2 more than how many tiles are in a small map. (I did the calculation in my head before actually realizing that the board would have less bc of hexagonal pattern.) I’m thinking for the panic points, you make them half the size and make 15 of them. 5 unclaimed, 5 blue, 5 orange. (bc that’s how many I think the most points are in any small map)
Every card in the game could just be directly printed from the game. For the HP mechanics, you would just have each card list their respective HP, and give them damage counters, like pokemon. With destructible walls, you would have to make unique pieces for them to tell them apart from the mental blocks. For more complex damage, like Jarhead with 220, the game might just need to round his damage to 200, because it would be an absolute pain to make all the damage tokens for every single phobie.
Finished the game board! I have to make it in halves bc of how large it would be to print in one piece. I could do it vertically, but this was probably easier. Now all I need for the board is a way to connect the two pieces other than superglue.
Oh, I’ve already made some cards, also I thought we decided that we would use counter like (1, 5, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000 etc.
great models though!!!
By the way guys I think we should make the pieces have some kind of slot at the bottom, especially for flying units over obstacles or some kind of colour swap for the slot so we know which team its for (the slot may be red for one team, blue for the other.)
What about the piece under the carboard with the picture of the phobie will have a hole for the carbord piece to fit in and one side of the 3D printed piece will be blue and the other orange and the carboard would separate them so that the person who owns the phobie could only see the blue part and the other person would see the orange part only…
I like the idea of not having to count anything, but I think that having the stats in intervals of 50 would be imbalanced, I agree with having a counter for every phobie’s hp intead of dmg pieces, but we have to keep the original dmg. Since there are only lvl 1 phobies for now it won’t be hard to keep track of the hp (all dmg at lvl 1 can be divided by ten - make one rotating counter with nine numbers for tens one for hundreds and one for thousands). We can add a diffrent method when we add levels, but with the papers this shouldn’t be a problem.
About the return thing: I would make this optional, since I personally do remember the position my phobies were in, but I understand if you are making Akira pull or a big offensive play, you need to somehow track the situation… For moving I think the simplest method would be writing the coordinates on your paper and with hp I would write them down too.
This might look too much complicated, but besides taking a photo of the board it is the best option IMO.
For the actions part I would do something simple like turning the phobie sideways when it has one action left and laying it down when it doesn’t have any.
Those are actually very good ideas. No joke the turning is actually so good. To be honest (we r not all going to end up with a final product obviously we just gonna have to work together on our own ones) I’m not going to go for the 3D pieces look just because its gonna be too complicated and expensive for me. I’m going to create cardboard cut-outs of the Phobies and place them on little holders that are different colours for different players.
Thats probably our best bet! If you were able to print out a phobie, cut it out, stick it onto a little bit of cardboard, and then stick some sort of stand up the middle of it, it could be a good starting concept!
Okay, I kind of know where the idea is going, but I made something for differentiating which character goes to which player.
Each piece is printed (or molded) with these little spirals, and bases are made so that they can be screwed on to the color corresponding with their team.
For flying characters, the bases could be made half as large, and the requirement for obstacles could be that they can support one of these pieces without tipping it too much (because of phobies like terrordactyl.) That way, the flying phobies could still go over obstacles.
I was also thinking that the little stands could either interlock with the obstacles or have the bottom fitted so they fit over the obstacles, which would probably not work since the shapes if the obstacles vary.