Rhyming Game

This game is simple. Each forum member posts a word or a whole phrase that rhymes with the one posted above him/her. I will start!



Flute. Fun!

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Fun? more like none.

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Gone… ohhh no! How about soon?

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Soon… Yeah something amazing is going to happen, on the other hand how about you give me a spoon

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moon is very very cool

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Moon? Would that be you Jimp? Though lets not forget the harpoon

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Harpoon? I have never seen one of those in a cartoon

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Come on now, never in a cartoon? How about a baboon?

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Baboon? I eat those at noon

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I slept till noon, now I have to leave soon

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Prune juice is a drink I want to try.

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I don’t wanna try, but who am I to pry

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Prune juice? That sounds kinda dry…

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That’s because it’s been sucked by a fly

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Then it flew into the sky

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Why is the topic here so weird

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Hush, child. Fun is not to be feared

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Bearded dragons are cool (but also you’re supposed to rhyme with the last syllable the previous sentence says and put it at the beginning of your own sentence. Somewhere in the prune juice section things got messed up) so play by the correct rule

Fool… I am as a fool. My apologies.