Second dreadful :D


Nice doughzer is one of the better UR unlike some URs cough sockassin cough leshy, iscream is ok and cowbell uhhhhh its trash to say the least but still decent pack

I thought everyone has cowbell at the start of the game?

The starter pack is randomised, you can either get cowbell or contortio from it

Good to know
(20 characters)

The full options are:
Cowbell or contortio
two of cassowary, k9000, gesunteit or eternal knight
Bo mangles or stabby
unbearable or primate #9
heavo or staremaster
fish tank or alleygator

I tought It was the same for everyone, but everyone does get jar cannon, right?

yeah everyone gets jar cannon

Guys i am going to open one ore two dreadful packs, wish me luck

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That screenshots and send da resultd, ma BROTHAA

wait, what did you get in your first ever dreadful?

I can’t remember, but there should be another post where I show my first dreadful

Quite the delicious dreadful pack :+1: