Translate Name card in Italian Pls

The cards some have written in English and also the names. Please translate them into Italian.
Heart Breaker is “Spezzacuori”.Sparky on Clash Royale is translated like “Scintilla”.Cowbell is “Campanaccio”.Razor mouth is “Bocca a Rasoio”.Contortio is “Contorto”.Finnigan is"Finlandese".Mopsy is “Coccoloso”.Unicorn is “Unicorno”.Electricat is “Elettrigatto”.Gesundheit is “Salute”.Murder Wings is “Ali Mortali”.
Awol description in italian languange is in english"they were wondering where that one went".
In italian"Si chiedevano dove fosse finito".
And “The game is a foot” is “Il gioco è un piede”

jajajaja, you need change the cards name to do that, and change the renders is problematic; appart in certain languages some names sounds dumb like razor mouth (boca cortada in spanish) apart others have real names like Akira or invented like Heavo.

Hello! Thank you for your suggestion. We will forward this to our team for review. :slight_smile: