in Latin America something curious happens; with a little imagination or word of mouth, any phobie with a cool nickname can become your favorite even if it is useless.
the mucus (quagmire), coca de piña (jar cannon), el cobicho (gesundheit), the crocodile juan (aley-gator) etc. . . the most respected phobies are usually the funniest and that are very useful, although there are some like cassorwary or cowbell that are respected the name but are still relevant.
i like coca de piña because for the background of the jokes, although I also like others like slammer head, in-oculus and stabby.
I am choosing Eratic. I cant play without him.
He is one of my favourites.
Ive been using razor mouth and alleygator alot.
Boofairy Is my fav bc it has a decent damage,hp,and a cool ability.Fowl will soon become my fav bc im close to its level
If you’re lucky enough to get klepto he is a beast, erratic is also good. But for starters, stabby and muffintop.
Noixius is very cool and has a great design. It also has great stats, but I pulled fetch on day one so he has a place in my heart
Clobster was the first rare I pulled from a pack, and it was a lot of fun early game when it’s ability would actually surprise people. Carries a certain attachment above its actual utility.
I would adore dial if it was a ranged attacker. The design is adorable and the ability is pretty good, but actually fighting would be suicide and it is a bummer.
Rather Pasgetti or In-Oculus
Always loved Erratic, but I’m still actively searching packs for Fleshcrawler. When I first saw his ability animation I audibly reacted.
Cassowary and Jar cannon
Daisy has become my favorite Phobies by far.
I been playing for a while y have 23 phobies thought I don’t have them I love terrordactyl and Mildred, and for what I have I love klepto and Russel
Every single time high-five or cerb comes out i immediately panic cause i know im about to have a rough time lmao only thing i can think to do is keep kiting them and hit them with some sheeping gas to lower the health as they walk at me LMAO. They are such menaces.
I have a few, Jeeves, Grimes, Bluelien, and spud are my favorites. (I only have spud but the other ones are good and I like them)
Ive been killing that thing with my Ray chargles for everytime i see that phobie
My favorite phobie might have been leshy i got him out of my first scary pack