Bug na recompensa

Ocorreu um bug enquanto eu estava tentando resgatar um dos ovos diários, onde ele ficou em uma animação infinita e a única opção que eu tive foi sair só jogo. Mas não recebi minha recompensa :sob:

Hey Hotashi!

We’re very sorry to hear that this had happened. If you are able to, could you please submit a ticket under request-support at discord.gg/phobiesgame

We will need your in-game name, device you play Phobies on, and a copy of your log files if you are able to get those. This guide here will show you how to obtain and share them:

How to REPORT A BUG - BUG REPORT / REPORT A BUG - Phobies Official Forums

If this happens again with future jacks, could you let us know, too?