Bug points event


Je rencontre un beg avec les points d’évènement actuel. J’ai bien les points lorsque je joue une phobie de type mort-vivant, mais pas lorsque ne joue des phobies de type monstre. Cela dure depuis au moins hier soir.
Nom de compte : LilDrac7518

Merci par avance.
Bonne journée

Hey there!

Are you able to share a clip of the issue or some screenshots?
If it doesn’t allow for you to update here, could you please open a ticket over on discord at discord.gg/phobiesgame under #request-support so our team can look into this for you?


Yes ok I open a ticket on Discord, but Im not familiar with the app.
Here is an exemple :

  • i have 17030 points
  • I play à monster, Ray Chargels
  • I still have 17030 points

You dont get points for playing a monster, you get points for killing a monster

Oh but it’s not what is indicated in the french version…

I think thats a translation error

It may very well be a translation error.
I cannot copy/paste but I can put in a ticket for this for sure.

So it’s the second point on the list, the one that should be “Per key for killing a Monster”?