Dreadful pack it's an illusion / Dreadful pack é uma ilusão

gostaria de deixar registrado minha decepção do jogo. Eu abri 3 pacotes de Dreadful pack e não consegui nenhuma Phobie nova, é simplesmente revoltante, eu gastava dinheiro no jogo e depois disso não irei gastar mais, não vale a pena.

I would like to register my disappointment with the game. I opened 3 Dreadful packs and I didn’t get any new Phobie, it’s simply revolting, I spent money on the game and after this I won’t spend any more, it’s not worth it.

Sorry for the bad luck

Don’t get me wrong, it sucks that that happened, but it could’ve been your level, if your high enough level you will have a less likelihood of getting a new phobie, or i could’ve been a glitch. You can ask for a refund I assume