[Event] Phobies Map Maker Year 2

IGN: TaintedFire
Map name : FortressClash
Map size: big map (9x9).
Theme: Taking inspiration from chess. There is a dmg boost panel that reward siege oppotunity to the one capture it. Alternatively, Can break the wall and assault the heart.
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IGN: Freon
Title: Claustrophobia
Map type: Small
Theme: Making crowding work

IGN: KatTheCat
Map name: Toxic Takeover
Map Size: Small
Theme: Ruined/Diseased City

Named this map “Run for your Life”
My IGN is GuppyNomi
This is a large 9x9 map
It’s theme is the city-like theme, which has pipes and tall rectangular buildings
Also thanks to Pato Rey for the map maker

poison rush map

Thanks,i created the map the already,ima make sure to put special thanks to you!Thanks again!

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IGN : bilius
Map name : Fylling Range
Map size : Large

Theme : mechanical
Additional : a map with lava and the two Green and Purple poisons, and a healing and a vacuum, for this map we have to choose our movements carefully.

IGN: TaintedFire
Map name : X Factor
Map type : Large 9x9
Theme: Each have equal panic point except the one in the middle. encourage fast pace or creative way to break into enemy territory by breaking wall.
tải xuống (2)
Special thanks to Pato Rey for the map maker

I want to know also how do you create images of your maps bc idk how and i can only send links.And screenshots would not work.Thanks for responding in advance.:hugs:

IGN : xCrowley
Map Name : Come And Break My Heart or Pistanthrophobia
Map Size : Small (5×9)
Theme : Abandoned School (Think of Biff’s Room, Teen Spirit, The Floor Is Lava etc)

IGN : xCrowley
Map Name : Toxic Romance or Philophobia
Mapsize : Small (5×9)
Theme : Abandoned School (think off Teen Spirit, Biff’s Room, The Floor Is Lava)

Everyone here is getting screenshots of their maps and pasting them into their messages to submit.
Copying the link will not copy the map you’ve made, and making a working link feature won’t be quick.

Map Name: Danger Zone
Map Size: Small (5x9)
Theme: Old Factory

Title: Backstage Pass
IGN: dudiobugtron
Map Size: Small
Theme: Same as Always Watching and Opticon

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Title: Break a Leg
IGN: dudiobugtron
Map Size: Small
Theme: Same as Always Watching and Opticon

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Title: The Show Must Go On
IGN: dudiobugtron
Map Size: Large
Theme: Same as Always Watching and Opticon

But im confused,what am i supposed to do to paste it?can you explain to me the process of copy and pasting a screenshot?

Im confused, what am i supposed to do to paste it?can you explain to me the process of copy and pasting a screenshot?

Map Name: Dark Waters
Map Size: Large (9x9)
Theme: Infected Swamp

When replying, one of the buttons lets you upload a screenshot.


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If you’re on mobile then try to find this button

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