[Event] Phobies Map Maker

IGN: Drayooox
Map Name: Charon’s House
Thread: Use more Phobies that disable squares
(Small map)
Since Charon and Honey Bear are not usually used, I created a map in which their presence will be very useful to facilitate a victory.
(The boxes in which it says “any” were boxes in which I was wrong, there is nothing there)

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Repost due to incomplete map

Map name: Hell’s palace

Map size: large

IGN: LagAlot


Blue dots:enemy/self keyhole

Black dots: obstacle

Yellow dots:enemy/self heart

Green dot: Panic points

Pink dots: healing spa

Orange dots:lava tiles

Red dots:steam pad

Grey dots: abyss tiles

Map name: the ole diner

Map size: small

Theme: run down diner

IGN: LagAlot

Blue dots: enemy/self keyhole

Green dots: panic points

Pink dots: healing spa

Red dots: steam pad

Black dots: obstacle

IGN: Hakunay
Title: Death Race
Size: Small map
Theme: Bedroom (ex. Billy’s Room)
Entry number: #1

Did you ever have a nightmare, where you were running and the path, no matter how easy it looks like, ended being unreachable?
Well, this was the main idea, during the creation of this map. Both players racing to capture as many points as possible or even rushing the enemy heart, but will be the path that easy?
With both players trying to stop each other, the Hearts will never feel that safe and in danger at the same time.


Title: Athephobia (fear of ruins)
ING: crusito_21
large map
Theme: Ancient Egypt Ruins


IGN: Hakunay
Title: Claustrobic
Size: Small map
Theme: Abandoned Cave (ex. Phobopolis)
Entry number: #2

Did you ever venture in a dangerous small cave?
Well, I guess it’s time to squeeze through the victory!


Forest of nightmares
name: elfocas
large map
theme:fear to what hides in the woods
forest of nightmares


Map Name: Bermuda´s Treasure
IGN: Suf
Map type: Large
Theme: Triangle Bermuda and pirates

Key map:
Chest: Obstacles
Swords; Panic points
skull: Stim pads
whirlwind: Lava point
Gold or money: healing points

xD I hope all are simple to know, my english is not good, but if you have some question i can responde.


is a map possible where u can knock of some one? cause i would work with some like that then.

dont want to tell to much about it just wanted to know if its a thing that instead of obsticales i make like spots where u can fall down and stuff like that.

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Title: Hellvish
ING: Clowno
Large Map 9x9

What is IGN ??? id Game?? And whay I can’t participe only 2 times? , I have some ideas and if I only can win one times ehh can’t share they ideas ??

Name: Financial Obstacle
pink: Healing Spas
K’s: Keyholes
Black crosses: Obstacles (preferebly the ones from Crypto)
Green crosses: Panic points
Hearts: Hearts
Stim pad: Stim Pad
Heeeere we go!

is the orange heart from a reddit post???

Name of the Map: Medieval Battlefield
IGN: Valdora
Map: Small Map
Theme: Medieval Battlefield/war theme

Description about the map:
This map is inspired of medieval ages, I want it to make a map that based on a past ages. I chose medieval because it’s cool.

The above picture is displaying on how the maps works and barebone mechanics. I want it to make it balance for the both player. There’s many opening you can choose from and you can be both defensive and offensive. Crushmore and Grave digger will be mostly MVP here to try remove and block your enemies.

The picture mentioned is what I imagine this map would look like. Many weapons as obstacle and a skull in the middle to help visualize that this is a battlefield.

Of course there’s alot more way to improve the looks of it but I hope this map will peak your interest.


Title: waiting game

Ign: Teal

Large map

Theme, one of the pre-existing themes currently, doesnt really matter

any suggestions on the map are appreciated


google image, just surf the web

Name: Base battle
Ign: B0Z0
Theme: Bedroom
Small map

Red hearts: hearts
Keyhole: keyhole / spawn
Black: obstacles
X: panic points
Yellow: stim pads

Try uploading a new image if you can. I’ll delete this post but try using the format the others have. ( In the initial post as well ) @CUIRA