[Event] Phobies Map Maker

Name: Clauromania
IGN: Phobicer
Theme: Clowns/Carnival
Small Map
Obstacles: Clown Head/Horses from Carousel


Las equis son las casillas del panico,
Los arboles son muros,
Los corazones son… corazones,
Las llaves son los imaginarios

Nombre del mapa:Bosque de las pesadillas
Nombre de jugador:A_W

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here is my map, called spiky caves
it’s an small map
my phobies username is: blak1980
i hope you guys enjoy!

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Title/name of the map: Chess party
In-Game Name: Espadap
Small map
(Chess pieces would act as normal obstacles)

Large Map 9x9

Name of Map: FOF (Fear of Falling)

  • Dark Blue = Blue Heart

  • Dark Orange = Orange Heart

  • Light Blue = Blue Key Spawn

  • Light Orange = Orange Key Spawn

  • Purple = Abyss

  • White = Panic Points

  • Grey = Obstacles

  • Red = Damage Boost Pads

  • Same theme as Phobos

In-Game Name: Kur0n3

Note: One of my favorite dynamics to play around are Abyss tiles as well as the ability for certain phobies to create/destroy obstacles. The center panic point would be a highly contested point which would have to play around the Abyss tiles as well as the damage pads that are located nearby. Thank you for reading!


Title: Center problem
IGN: Vison
Map type: large
Theme: traumas


Black= holes
X =panic
Red= enhancers

Center= both hearts in the same place

Map name = LavaSSeum
IGN: OmPong
Small map
Theme : Battle 1 on 1 at center surrounded by lava
Green = Obstacle
Red = Lava
Pink = Heal Poin

Map name = Labyrinth
IGN: OmPong
Small map
Theme : 2 difference way to go war at capture poin on center
Green = Obstacle
Pink = Heal Point
Red = Power Pad

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Yes, you cannot create new type of tiles, but you can use all the existing ones:

  • Obstacles
  • Stim pads
  • Healing spa
  • Abyss

  1. Name of the map is “the last stand against them” - Small map
  2. Asthetic personality -
    I did it like this because i want the user to see that this is a war scene betwwen the phobies and the aliens who have come, hence the obstacle - the crashed ufo ,which indicates that we shot down some UFOs ,and the barricades and the lava and stim pads indicate the defense preparation for the aliens. this also why there is only 1 panic point as it is the last stand and the last panic point we have to capture. The walls are there to protect our heart. and lava gives trap vibes ,and the healing spa at the back shows the healing stations in the war which heal wounded solders after they fought and the abyss is there for the pit fall traps which are commonly used in war
  3. tactical uses -
    *first of all there is only one panic point so they have to fight for it with sacrifices and ressuruction
    *the stimpad controls the mid panic point through 3 range units like jar but the player needs to be care ful as the enemy can spawn a phobie with a flying phobie and position it so that they can hit the pohobie on the stim in the next turn.
    *also push phobies are good as they can push them into lava or abyss which can be use full for eg . finnigan pusing a phobie into range of jar which is on stim
  • pull also can work effectively to pull in lava, abyss or in range of other phobie
  1. my in game name is Eradinir
  2. theme is alien on red side and normal on blue side hence giving it a mixed 2 theme

  1. map name is “they have Entered in!” - large map
  2. Asthetic personality -
    *this is a continuation to my first map - the last stand against them hence having a bunch of walls near the heart as the gate has opened and now and “they have entered” the phobies kingdom and now we have to defend in side the kingdom as we gather the weapons hence the sword and stone obstacle for the blue side
  • the aliens have led ufos into the castle hence the crashed UFO structure on the red side and this is basically a sequel to the first map that i have created. the lava tiles show that the aliens spread lava and created havoc with bluelien bringing some healing spas to the are to aid in battle but the phobies kingdom tries to defend the attack by stimpad to delay the healing. by hitting strong the aliens drilled a hole in the middle as a trap so that phobies come close to capture panic point they pull all of them with attractor and push with repelor as again implying that it is a battle scene there is a stimpad front of heart to help as a last stand.
    3.tactical uses -
  • the map is created so that both player can reach one panic point in first turn but with a tactical summon if the first player saved up keys the second player will have 4 keys so he can summon grave digger and move to destroy a wall and take opponents panic point giving him a early lead to the game and also it is positioned so the they can retreat back to spa if the enemy counter attacks its also a good map for lobbers and flyers.
  • but also the retreat to healing spa can be blocked by the first player by sending a phobie into the stim and the opposing phobie cant directly hit the phobie on stim as the opposing phobie would be on lava. the abyss can be acting as a game changer as a simple pull or push can change the game so the players have to play carefully
    *as mentioned in the asthetic personality the stimpad in front of heart is a last stand for a player but the other player can also abuse this by the alien sqigles or any other phobie with high damage like hi five and ceberus.
  • if possible the sheild obstacle which is in picture at bottom right of the picture can have like two healt like instead of one grave digger ability it takes 2 instead this can indicate the fortification for the phobies kingdom but if not possible to code you can make it lik a normal obstacle.
  1. Theme - same as first alien on red and normal on blue but the obstacles are like on image for both of my maps and the background can be hell or alien
  2. My in game name is Eradinir

Entry 1

Title: Bed of nails

IGN: Lukr3d

Map: Small map

Theme: Anxiety, Players have to make risky plays to push and there’s a constant fear that your units could get snapped up if you go too far forwards. The beds and nails fit to this theme visually.

  • Both teams hearts are easy to get to from the opponent, but the opponent has to risk a counter attack from your phobies that can be summoned and reach the stims

  • Controlling stims is key on this map, but doing so makes you weak to enemy counters should you take the enemies

  • Nail tiles (work exactly the same as lava) work to give both you and the opponent constant ways to push/pull phobies for combos as well as giving a lot of needed power to phobies like honey bear and charon.

  • The bed tiles act as obstacles and can be removed for quick access to points on the map, but this opens up more nails that are hidden beneath the tiles which give your opponent more ways to punish your approach

  • The map is structured in a way that denies quick (and common) openers like Snowball and Murder wing as the stim pads can one shot a lot of these openers. This means that its harder for the starting side to steamroll like on some other maps.

To note: Depending on the viability of new tiles, the hidden tiles can be removed and nail tiles can be swapped for the base lava tiles

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Nombre del mapa:lequis
Nombre de jugador:wg

Title: Chernobyl Catastrophe
Game name: Yagaz
Type of map: Large
Theme: Nuclear disaster/Chernobyl

Idk if new type of tiles could be made. I have another map to work on so in case new tiles couldn’t be made for the contest, following the max 2 entries clause; I can still take part in the contest. I thought it would be a good idea to create a new type of tile, both for later usage and for creativity/originality.

Radiation tiles work the following way: they are similar to lava tiles. If a phobie ends its turn on a radiation tile, instead of just taking damage; the poison effect would be granted to that phobie for x turns (depends on the damage the poison does). It just made sense in a radiation-like theme to have this type of effect on the map. I was thinking giving the poison effect of these tiles a duration of 4 turns, dealing around 200 damage each turn (scaling with stress level as lava tiles do).

Another gimmick I thought while doing the map is the following: instead of having permanent obstacles there would be obstacles with health, similar to those grave digger and mount crushmore can create. This way, more strategies could be used by destroying obstacles (that’s why there are two spa tiles surrounded by obstacles and why the hearts are partially surrounded by obstacles too).

The idea of the map is to have a very dangerous centre zone full of action with constant attempts to seize the panic points and, due to the rad tiles; protecting the spa tiles.

All feedback is welcomed! Good luck everybody!

Edit: Rad tiles can be replaced by lava tiles btw, more or less the same concept

Here is my second submission! I hope you like it.

Title: No Man’s Land
Game name: Yagaz
Type map: Small
Theme: War (First/Second World War)

The idea of this map revolves around the feeling of war. Constant casualties would be a very normal match in this map. The obstacles around the key hole would represent the trenches during these wars, having a medical tent (the healing spa) as well as mortars (the stim pad), which would be typical aspects of the world wars. There are various voids (black tiles) to represent craters where, if you got stuck in a crater during war, you would mostly be dead. The lava pits represent other aspects like land mines or other traps placed.

However, to spice things up and making the game feel like the constant fighting of war, I’ve placed the hearts in the middle of the map, being partially accesible to force the players to commit to the offense and defense of their hearts, instead of having them nex to the key hole where it would be near impossible and the game pace would be greatly reduced, thus not making it seem like a worl war battlefield.

Again, any feedback is welcomed and good luck to all of you!

Title: The Last Spark
In Game Name- Lorgine
Size: Small Map
Theme: Hell

Short Info: Map refers to stygiophobia- fear of Hell. In this map, every step counts. Despite your best efforts you will die, eventually. As in real life.
And as your life force is slowly leaving you, your desperation grows bigger. From the very first moment you enter this map, to the very end you fight for your survival and salvation.

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Map: Trichto
Creator: M0rbidFates
Size: Small (5x9)
Theme: Trichotillomania (the obsesessive and compulsive pulling of one’s hair) and the feelings associated with it. Stony backdrop with cracks representing the borders of the hexes.

Drops: obstacles (the base of hair follicles)
X: Panic Points
Hearts: hearts
Keyhole: vaults
Pink Circles: Heal Pools
Black circles: Abyss

This cramped map exhibits the emptiness that losing your bits and pieces of your identity can bring. Plenty of obstacles in key locations leads to plenty of customization for each player’s strategy. Fliers will dominate in these closed halls as you face a decision; play for the point or push to the heart.


The idea is that on place of the porly screenshoted images of the in game icons, there are obstacles with the heads of each phobie

Name: Mount Phobemore
IGN: Matarrato
Smal map
Theme: petraphobia, the fear of rocks.

The stones are obstacles, the pink blobs are healing spas and the >< are panic points

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IGN: AlphaZero
Theme: Pirate Room
Small map
Map name: The only way is down