[Event] Phobies Map Maker

@Nite hello, can you please check your forum inbox.

@NekoRei Done. Let me know if you need something else.


(post deleted by author)

Map Name: Snowflake
IGN: DeathCult
Map type: Large
Theme: City of steel

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Entry #2

Map name: Oasis
Ign: B0Z0
Big map
Theme: screaming toes (ex: magmificent)

Black: Obstacles
Red: pava
Pink puddle: healing spa

IGN: Drayooox (small map)
Map Name: Acro
Theme: Acrophobia since there are many abysses. The walls could be large rock structures to simulate a bigger drop if you could climb them.

Title: Closing Hour
IGN: Csd15
Map size: Small
Theme: Shop / Storage room

Title: Mini All in
Size: Small Map

Map title: Last Graveyard

In Game Name: Jarjarman

Map size: Small 5x9

Theme: Bones/ Death

Map key: Rocks and bones occupy the hexes they are drawn on, X marks panic points, the rest are easily interpreted as what their pictures describe them to be.

Map Description: What would the last graveyard look like? I think that those who die last have no one left to bury them. This would explain their exposed remains!

Title: Cross Pride

IGN: PulpoML


Heart = Heart
Up Arrow = Key
Triangle = Obstacle
Thunderbolt = Stim Pad
Dark = Abiss
Grey Cross = Panic Point
Theme: Mausoleum OR Ancient Colosseum

Description: Open map where you can choose whether to dominate the points or attack the heart. Infinite possible strategies.

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Title: Sweet Heat

IGN: PulpoML


Heart = Heart
Up Arrow = Key
Triangle = Obstacle
Thunderbolt = Stim Pad
Orange = Lava
Pink Cloud = Spa
Grey Cross = Panic Point
Theme: Thermal Cave

Description: Classic map, fight for the center with new strategies.


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MAP NAME: Vortex
IGN: cha
SIZE: Large Map
THEME: Undersea


Name: Lil’ Alley

  • Yes, there are indeed holes in this map, the black puddle looking things.
  • Keys are the spawn location
  • the buildings are walls
  • the red triangles are stim pads
  • the pink puddle is the healing spa
  • the Xs are panic points
  • and the heart is, the heart. with colors representing the sides

IGN: Romando
Small map: 5x9
The theme is industrial (idk if it works with the small maps but yea)

Map Name: You Know the way
IGN: Benzhebuth
Map type: Large
Theme: Knuckle

Name: Screaching Factory
IGN: Matarrato
Smal map
Theme: Metallophobia, the fear of metal

Rock are obstacles
The >< are panic points
The red tiles are demage boosts
Gray tiles with an arrow: New tile idea, when a phobie stops at the tile, it moves 1 tile in the arrow indication at the end of your turn

Title: Phorest
IGN: bargf13
small map
theme: forest

Worlds Apart (small)

ign: Nihgo


Loneliness or monophobia, i guess. The chasm indicates how hearts can be close, but never quite one. If you want it to, the lava behind represents passion, but it’s really only there to prevent artillery cheese.

Green: Keyhole
Red: Heart
Blue: Panic Point
Brown: Obstacle
Orange: Lava
Black: Chasm
Purple: Healing Pool

Breach (large)
ign: Nihgo

Theme :

This one’s about overcoming the very profound fear of having some overleveled ultrarare thrown right in your face.
Pretty short distance between your hearts and their keyholes, but there’s a wall in the way. Enemy Gravedigger could sit on that booster in front of your heart on turn 3, but everything (i can think of) is still defensible. Lobbing, flying and burrowing units are all decent alternatives to flat-out removing parts of the barrier.


Green: Keyhole
Red: Heart
Blue: Panic Point
Brown: Obstacle
Yellow: Booster
Black: Chasm
Purple: Healing Pool