I got 3200 coffee, what should I buy

I’ve already opened a dreadful, im level 42 with 49 phobies. Lemme know what packs to buy cause I wanna get something good possibly.

personally i stick with terrifying packs, because of the the highest possibility for uncommon. Le Shovel just DOMINATES every round i face him. mostly. i’m on 80 and 98 phobies. i opened like 12 Dreadful and beside my first fixed and a lucky back to back afterwards… at lest dreadful is a guarantee to at least give you new phobies, but the possibility of like purchasing 7 terrifying with 14 drawing cards.

If you’re free to play and not purchased any stuff, the 800 pack gives you the most exp and upgradecards compared to the others

made some maths based on 4000 coffees

terrifying 2c 300; horrific 3c 800; dreadful 4c 2000
UC 38-122; 135-345; 279-783;
EXP 5000-10000; 20000-36300; 53000-79800
R Rarity 6,5%; 13,1%; 15,4%
SR Rarity 0,6%; 1,6%; 3,9%
13x300; 5x800; 2x2000

26 cards; 15 cards; 8 cards

494-1586 UC; 675-1705 UC; 558-1566 UC
65000-130000 EXP; 100000-181500 EXP, 100600-159600 EXP
R probability 26x6,5= 169; 15*13,1=196,5; 8x15,4=123,2
SR probability: 26x0,6= 15,6; 15x1,6= 24; 3,9x8=31,2

but i think that 26 cards will give a better shot on collecting more phobies than 8 cards to be honest.

horrific seemingly are the best for Upgrade cards and EXP, also have nearly the same Rare drop rate as Dreadful