I’m not getting my coffee

I never got the coffee from the offer wall, I completed a offer for 100000 coffee but never got it

Hey there!

For any of the offerwall offers, we would recommend reaching out to the tapjoy support team through their portal. They should be able to investigate what may have happened.

I’m so sorry but I don’t know how to do that, if you could Maybe tell me how to do that then :blush:

Hi I’m just wondering how to do that?

I completed an offer, but didn’t get my rewards! — Offerwall Help Center (helpshift.com)

Here you go, Cats! This article should provide more context.
You can click the Contact Us button at the bottom of the page there and it should bring you to their support portal. :slight_smile:

And how do I submit a ticket

At the bottom of that page, there is a contact us button. Click on it and it’ll create a ticket. You can fill out the information there.

Contact Us — Offerwall Help Center (helpshift.com)

I did it but it won’t let me submit it

What exactly is it saying when you’re trying to submit?
That portal is not one we use as it’s a separate service. Maybe try another browser and see if that works. Hmm.

Whenever I click on it it does not say anything like “you have sent a request to the email or something like that

Do you get a verification pop-up window?
If not, try turning off adblocker if you have that on and see if permissions let you see that.
I’m checking right now. :slight_smile:

I do not have that on

I’m not quite what it may be then besides trying another browser or clearing your browser cache.

That’s not our support platform so I’m not quite sure why it’s not working for you. :thinking:

Maybe through the offerwall portal, you can find a contact support / submit a ticket option?

Maybe these screenshots can help a little bit?

This should show you how to contact support in the portal or see what your reward status is. :slight_smile:

The first image will show you how to contact support, which would be in Reward Status > Select the Offer > Contact Support

They should be able to investigate and see what may have happened.

On the second step that button does not appear

Sorry I mean step 1 bye the way

If it’s that big of a problem just forget about it but I appreciate that you helped me

Hi I just wanted to thank you even though it did not work for helping me out and trying

Hey there!

Sorry to hear that it did not work! Definitely curious as to why it hadn’t. :frowning:

If you do run into any troubles with future offers, please definitely let us know.

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