Username: Mohhykal
Platform: Android
Bug Description:
When I’m playing on ranked its sometimes happend
Hey Mohhykal!
Sorry to hear that you have had some trouble. Could you please email with the following information so we can investigate this for you?
What is your Phobies In-Game Name?:
What device/system do you play Phobies on?:
What Operating System/Version are you using?:
Any screenshots/videos/clips of the error?:
Do you continue to experience any trouble?:
We may also need your logs so we can look further into this issue:
To collect your logs, you can visit this forum link here and scroll down to the device you use to play Phobies.
Follow the instructions on how to collect them and attach them to your next email response:
Same error dialog as OP. Different place, i was getting rewards for completing a turn.
User: WookieUK
[87122.752] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/user/keepalive’ Completed in 0.207s RID 3E74F44B-002E-40D3-AA74-C4A99A470EDD
[87124.106] Inventory – Flushed 9 entries
[87124.169] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/postturndata?gameid=af0d21e7-c562-4dbd-8c85-9c2ae6c84965’ with requirement Authenticated Enqueued RID 98707E12-2027-47CD-B2EF-05F46D57BB83
[87124.170] Gui – EnterScreen [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_loading_screen]
[87124.170] Gui – Screen Focus GAINED [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_loading_screen]
[87124.174] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/postturndata?gameid=af0d21e7-c562-4dbd-8c85-9c2ae6c84965’ Started RID 98707E12-2027-47CD-B2EF-05F46D57BB83
[87124.819] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/postturndata?gameid=af0d21e7-c562-4dbd-8c85-9c2ae6c84965’ Completed in 0.645s RID 98707E12-2027-47CD-B2EF-05F46D57BB83
[87124.828] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_loading_screen]
[87124.884] Localizer – String key lookup failed for screen_EndOfTurn_Reward:Rerry, language en
[87124.884] Localizer – String key lookup failed for screen_EndOfTurn_Reward:Objective_Complete, language en
[87124.884] Localizer – String key lookup failed for screen_EndOfTurn_Reward:Objective_Complete, language en
[87124.888] Gui – EnterScreen [gui/screenfiles/endofgame/endofturn]
[87124.888] PostProcessAppComponent::EnableEffect() – enabled effect ‘effects/postprocessdarkblur’ with technique ‘Win’
[87124.889] Gui – Screen Focus GAINED [gui/screenfiles/endofgame/endofturn]
[87124.889] Gui – ExitScreen [gui/screenfiles/hud_battle/replay_main]
[87124.891] GuiManager::ProcessScreensMarkedForCleanup – mem used 259719168
[87124.899] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/decorators/decorators_main]
[87124.899] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/hud_battle/hudbattle_main]
[87124.899] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/hud_battle/replay_main]
[87124.900] GuiManager::ProcessScreensMarkedForCleanup – mem used 259616768
[87128.816] App – Transition New State Requested: NewState ‘Sgi::FEState’
[87128.825] App – AppState Transition, OldState ‘Sgi::BattlePlayState’ NewState ‘Sgi::FEState’
[87128.825] BattlePlayState::OnEnd
[87128.835] Inventory – Flushed 318 entries
[87128.835] GuiManager::ProcessScreensMarkedForCleanup – mem used 240435200
[87128.835] PostProcessAppComponent::DisableEffect() – disabled effect ‘effects/postprocessdarkblur’ with technique ‘Win’
[87128.835] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/endofgame/endofturn]
[87129.310] Gui – EnterScreen [gui/screenfiles/jack/jack_main]
[87129.310] Gui – Screen Focus GAINED [gui/screenfiles/jack/jack_main]
[87129.328] GooglePlayBillingHelper - Querying inventory for pending transactions.
[87129.336] GooglePlayStore::onQueryPurchasesFinished - Retrieve consumables was successful. There are 0 purchases [0 inApp, 0 subscriptions].
[87130.373] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/claimdailyaward’ with requirement Authenticated Enqueued RID B06F1ACC-C7FB-4C7D-9675-6EE87F1F6947
[87130.381] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/claimdailyaward’ Started RID B06F1ACC-C7FB-4C7D-9675-6EE87F1F6947
[87130.637] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/claimdailyaward’ Completed in 0.256s RID B06F1ACC-C7FB-4C7D-9675-6EE87F1F6947
[87130.645] Award state out of sync
[87131.898] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/claimdailyaward’ with requirement Authenticated Enqueued RID D1BB5CC2-24BE-455F-ACCF-15B5B62EF266
[87131.904] WireSocketManager – Request ‘/monster/claimdailyaward’ Started RID D1BB5CC2-24BE-455F-ACCF-15B5B62EF266
[87132.087] WireSocket – Protocol error: Server Error
[87132.087] WireSocketManager – Server Error: Server Error
[87132.093] Gui – EnterScreen [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_generic_dialog]
[87132.094] Gui – Screen Focus LOST [gui/screenfiles/jack/jack_main]
[87132.094] Gui – Screen Focus GAINED [gui/screenfiles/common/cmn_generic_dialog]
[87132.104] DailyAwardsScreen::ClaimAward – Failed to claim award with error Canceled promise.
Hey there!
We’re sorry to hear that you have experienced some trouble!
What device are you playing Phobies on and what is your in-game name?
Also, if you’re able to, could you provide a little bit of details prior to what you were doing in Phobies while this had happend?
Is the issue still ongoing for you?
Sorry, I’ve forgotten the details. It only happened the once and I’ve never seen it again.
My phone is a Samsung Galaxy A52 5g
My in game username is WookieUK
The game has also updated at least once since this happened.