So, it’s been a while since I’ve played phobies, my last phone broke, and I had to get a new one, after trying to remember all the games i had, i remembered phobies existed, so, what have i missed?
(Some Spoilers Alert!)
For the major update, we got:
Anniversary update with new phobies and new maps:
The new phobies are:Haphe, Hercubees (formerly Hercules), The Collector, Le Shovell, Fantôme, Brutewurst, Prometheus (The offer phobie) (2 uncommons, 2 Rares, 3 URs)
New maps:
“Never, Forever”, A small map with conveyor tiles and abyss tiles
“Night Shift”, A small map with abyss tiles.
“Castaway”, A big map.
“Center Stage”, A map with the middle point closed by obstacles.
“Last Rites”, A big map with disease tiles.
-Phobies balance stuff I’m too lazy to write
Offer phobies after Prometheus:
Heavo Plaid, Cecilia, And most recently, Cluck Norris.
Those are (most) new stuff since The Anniversary Update. I’ll not spoil the ability of the new phobies.
Thanks mate, appreciate it!