Could you guys make an in-game encyclopedia or lore book explaining cards, skills and effects in better detail? I still don’t understand why I can’t use Heavo 2.0’s skill right away. The cards and characters are interesting, I’d like to read bio’s an a story for the game if y’all were thinkin’ of makin’ somethin’ like that.
Heya! Thanks for this suggestion/request. I will check with our dev team if they’re open to this. We already have a team of volunteers who are building our game wiki. It would indeed be good to add those information in there.
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Sorry to interrupt, but we need more free tears
That actually appears on the card.
Compare its cooldown symbol with that of another toon that can use its skills right away.
Heavy 2.0’s shows 1 2, meaning 1 turn initial and 2 after use.
A regular skill will just show 1, stronger skills (for instance healing)
That’s not super clear and you have to deduce it yourself, so indeed an encyclopedia would help. But it is there.
I should stop taking time for this, I’m going to stop playing.