Packs become absolutely useless for high level players

This month, i have opened 4 terrifying packs, 1 horrific, 1 dreadful, and 8 scary packs (and counting) and didn’t get anything new. Wtf. The devs REALLY need to change the pack odds, or make a pack that gurantees 1 new phobie


Like bruh this is my 9th scary pack

I dont care if the upgrade is good. I just want something new


Maybe opening so many packs alters your pull rate, or just getting new Phobies. That makes sense.

No the packs just suck in general, there’s no pity system like most games with a gatcha system

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Yee, its very based on luck. I literally saw someone in the discord get el espinoso in an useasy pack


Of course it’s an alt account as well

Also furk this game and their luck

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I want to kill myself so fucking bad rn. Like ts isnt even enough for a single upgrade

Eh tear packs suck late game, there only really good early game

I got Squiggles and In-oculos recently. Here’s the picture of In-oculos:

I’m happy, because now I have Attractor and In-oculos.

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Atleast u got good UR’s💀

Why me…

Yep, no luck for me yet on the event packs.

Poor you. I get new ult-rare phobies for all of my first coffee pack:
-horrific: were wolf
-terrifying: boss
-Dreadful: unicorn
Last month i get the event vip and got new ult-rare: furnaceface, i spend the coffee from event for the second dreadful pack and get new ult-rare: mummy. And about 8 new phobies in that event. My first 2 season reward are 2 ult-rare phobies: frosty and tick when i get golden packs. I wonder why my 3th season reward not ult-rare like 2 first seasons till i get the golden pack? i thought get new ult-rare phobies in season golden pack is nomal at begin.

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What level are you?? You have that many URs?? I got Rocket Man and Morty from Horrifics, and Mildred (who is a useless cannon that’s only able to attack once every two turns) from the Dreadful.