Phobie ideas

These are some of my new ideas for phobies

  1. Rooster

Health : 1500 (level 1)
Attack tiles : 1
Attack damage : 700 (level 1)
Attack type : line of sight
Rarity : rare
Key cost : 6 keys
Phobie type : undead
Movement type : walking
Movement tiles : 3

Ability : Cockadoodledoo!

Deals 500 disease to all phobies surrounding it.

  1. Jaw bone

Health : 2700 (level 1)
Attack tiles : 2
Attack damage : 400 + 300 poison damage for 3 turns (level 1)
Attack type : lob
Rarity : ultra rare
Key cost : 8 keys
Phobie type : undead
Movement type : walking
Movement tiles : 1

Passive ability : decay

Takes 100 of its health but adds 200 damage just make sure you don’t let it die

  1. Glitch

Health : 1300 (level 1)
Attack tiles : 2
Attack damage : 300-500 per turn (level 1)
Attack type : line of sight
Rarity : ultra rare
Key cost : 9 keys
Phobie type : dimensional
Movement type : bypassing
Movement tiles : 2

Ability : game breaking bug

Enables it to deal a small amount of damage which is about 6000 damage
And it can hit from 4 tiles but makes it only have 1 health and 0 movement tiles so it just becomes a sitting duck so i don’t recommend to use Glitch in small maps but bigs maps that’s a whole other story.