Want to be frenemies?

I’ve been using the practice feature against bots in the game to try and help improve my gameplay on different maps but even on the hardest setting I’m still winning every time.

Also the A.I doesn’t use the same Phobies or strategies that you’d find when playing against an actual player.

Would anyone be interested in adding me as a frenemy so we can hopefully help improve each other’s gameplays without the pressure of winning or loosing a real game?

If so, my accounts are:

MrCrowle (Lv 32)

happychappy (Lv 28)


Hi @Andypandy744 ! I would like to invite you to join us in our official Discord Server if you haven’t done so yet! We have a lot of active players there who would be more than happy to add you as their Frenemy! And feel free to join their strategy discussions in the #meta-chat channel. :slight_smile:


Thank you very much! @NekoRei I have joined the discord server and look forward to meeting and chatting with new players


Yo! I’d like to help you out if you’re still up for it.
I’m not as high level as you, however. My IGN is Yarrr if you’re interested.


Thank you! @Yarrr I’ll add you on both of my accounts, and I’m not bothered what level your at, so long as your willing to help that’s more than enough :slight_smile:

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@Andypandy744 i sent you frenemy requests


@Haxaas thank you! Are you also on the Phobies discord server?

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@Andypandy744 yes i just joined the discord today.


@Haxaas Cool! If you want to add me on discord, my user name is: AndyPandy #7848

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