Results: Tickles (finally I can live in harmony with that stupid corn), Droney (yipee), K-9000 (irrelevant), Le Shovell (might be the best out of the batch), Creepy Devil (more like crappy devil (it honestly sucks), Thunder Rock (bye bye, Bloat), Flail (looks cool), Tooth Fairy (I’m happy with this), I-Scream (Le Shovell combo goes brrrr), Blinky (ok?), Daisy (haven’t used yet), Maelstro (Fleshcrawler be upon ye), Cyclops (Heavo better), Sparky (ok I already have 4 other electric phobies already) and Beauty (beautiful).
I had too 10000 coffee but I honestly got just boomer and passgeti so you got pretty lucky beauty is very strong but I don’t have it but I have creapy devil and I like it it needs a bit luck but one of the best phobies to kill jar cannon even if it has a way higher level then creapy devil
Creepy devil is the only reason i am able to beat certain players, it definitely does not suck. Its difficult to learn but it is good.
Ok then maybe its because I suck at the game.
Also saw what you were talking about
It seems that you can use Creepy Devil as bait to lure the enemy and using it against 1 movement Phobies just make it almost immortal. Thanks for telling me that its not bad.
Its an old match of mine but its always a good showcase of what he can do. If your opponent is too aggro you can use it to bait them into throwing units away for nothing, if theyre defensive you can slowly put creepy into position and take a big kill. You can also keep him on poison, disease and fire tiles the opponent doesnt want to step on, and it doesnt reveal creepy to the opponent so they have no idea that hes there.