We would like to thank those who have taken the time to raise their concerns with regards to the Quest system within Phobies. This is a feature that is designed to drive engagement through competitive play over varied lengths of time depending on the type of quest. It is because of these reasons that the original intention of the Quest system was to have it only be completed within ranked matches to generate new tactical approaches to battles as users try to find a way to involve quest completion into their overall victory strategy.
Unfortunately, there was an error which led to the ability to complete quests in an unranked game mode. Regarding this we would like to clarify that the quest progress generated during Frenemy games was not intentional and since being brought to our attention a fix was created.
The implementation of the fix (to only allow quests to be completed via ranked modes) was done to align with the original vision of the feature. This change also helps to reduce potential exploits of Quest system and ultimately allowing for the best gaming experience possible within Phobies.
With your continued feedback we can continue to refine quest criteria as well as identify what quests you are finding most engaging. Please share your thoughts and feedback via our social media channels.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your patience and understanding.