Anyone else encountered Level 30 phobies?

Just played a game against “Hopeloy”, assuming it’s another AI opponent as every phobie was a Level 30… I’m pretty okay at this game but, come on, level 30… my phobies are level 16 so it went as you would expect…

Question for the Devs:
What are the parameters for determining phobie levels when playing AI opponents and was this just a glitch?

He’s the top player in THE WORLD

Wow… All level 30 phobies, no wonder he’s on top. That must suck for him not really having anyone to compete against as it wouldn’t take any skill beating other players with level 16 cards when yours are all level 30’s… Must get pretty boring I’d imagine…
Thanks for the heads up :+1:

Their Billy is level 28 I think.

I just played them again and was one move away from beating them but their cards are just too strong… Can’t compete against level 30’s and a 28 with level 16’s but I got about as close as you possibly could I think.

Bro question why do you think everyone who beat you is an ai the ai stop appearing after you unlock large map level 30 your level 116 and in sum of fear no ai up there just player who ar really good

Hey cuz, I don’t think everyone is ai…? As you can see on my record I’ve play over 5,000 games and lodged 2 enquiries about ai opponents.

The first one I lodged is still valid and hasn’t been addressed by the devs, and the other one was about an opp having all level 30 cards which seemed weird considering I’m level 16… It got pointed out to me that that was the top player so I said cool, thx for the heads up.

Hopefully that clears that up but if you have any other issues or concerns, let me know :+1:

All good?

Yeah everything fine but if we go to your post say "the ai has gone rogue " you accused so many people of been bot and the guy who told you the weren’t bots you also said that he was probably a bot again after level 30 and past horror 3 you can’t face bot so any further games you play in no bot just really players and yeah match make is weird it’s normal for someone to be higher lvl in the match in almost every game in higher ranking so no issues there

Who did I accuse of being a bot? Beanofevil? Who else? You said I’ve accused so many players who else? And beanofevil is ai, look at the profile it shows you who is ai and who is human. Do you even know how to check who is a bot and who isn’t or are you just wanting to throw your 2 cents in without actually having anything to add?

‘Who else?’ Literally all these people. Stop lying

Its so annoying dealing with this guy with no understanding of anything pretending hes an expert. Hey newsflash: I was a top 100 player, i played in tournaments you can find on youtube, i have a fricken youtube channel myself, im in the main discord where if you ever bothered to join you could find actual voice recordings of me. I made one of the fricken maps in this game during a creator contest: rise to stardom. You can check the contest submissions and find mine. IDEK what ‘profile data’ nonsense hes concocted is proof people are AI, but my recorded massive loss streak is cause i quit after the poor balance patches and waited the 3 day timer. Also I literally flipping friended you.
I could come into your house and slap you in the face and youd still accuse me of being an AI, because you think AI is a magic catch all term for things you dont understand. You dont even have the most basic of critical thinking skills, to the point that i keep debating whether youre an elaborate troll or a 12 year old. If youre the former well played, if the latter i had a better understanding of what AI was at twelve, go study computer science properly.

I tried not to respond to this cause i wanted to leave this guy alone like he asked, but he just keeps bringing this BS up. but its so SO annoying dealing with people like this who are so sure theyre right while being objectively provably wrong in every metric. And every time you prove it to them they switch goal posts and make more things up. Its so insuferrable i hate it.

Hey EvilBean, what is your rank?

Dude, you are getting on my god damn nerves now! You think I’m going to sit here and let a punk ass like you continue to disrespect me when you have nothing to do with me or my posts?! I’m usually a pretty chilled guy but if you keep talking shit on my name you will regret f***ing with me. Shut your mouth, don’t say another word to me or about me and we’ll leave it as a case of agree to disagree. Keep talking shit to me and we’re going to have problems.

Here are your own word acusing other of been ai and again all i said BOT CAN’T APPEAR PAST HORROR 3 OR LEVEL 30 it’s your word against your own see yeah you have accused multiple people of being ai

My current rank is doomsday 3 cause i dropped 20 games on being afk after a rank reset

You can see before that reset i was SOAF 2 at rank 3212 which would put me in the top 100 players in the game.

Youre the one going on every chat accusing me of being an AI. How about you keep YOUR mouth shut and stop talking about things you know nothing about. Cant believe the nerve of you to act all offended when youre the one talking trash about people and accusing them of cheating behind their backs. I was planning on leaving you alone, but you wont leave me alone.

And what number are you on the overall Arena leaderboard? I’m number 27 overall