Bonus drops

The idea is when a unit dies, there is a chance they drop a small bonus. These bonuses would give an in game percentage bump to one of the unit stats, green for heath, red for attack, blue for special. The bonus would appear after turn end, on (or near) the killed unit, on an empty tile. Bonuses could appear over blocks or chasms, meaning only a flying unit could collect it. The bonus effect only lasts for the duration of the match.
I would like collection to happen as you walk over it, and take effect immediately, rather than needing to end your turn on it.
Also, it would be nice if the bonus size was related to the key cost of the killed unit.

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So bonus drops on the ground that appear randomly at random parts of the map that you can undo spam to collect that give you random buffs?

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No, i thought about that, the bonuses only drop, if they drop, when you end your turn. Potentially they could even drop from your own poisoned or burning phobies. Then your opponent has the first opportunity to try and collect them.

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