Challenge 21(second part) is broken

Challenge 68 is broken and cannot be completed. Perhaps after the rebalancing of phobias the damage/hp values ​​changed. There are few options and after trying everything, I went to Google and found a solution on YouTube. As expected, I tried this option but it doesn’t work for me. furkin leepricant has 30 HP left and noxious cannot complete the attack.

Every single challenge can be completed i have redone every single one of them post all balance changes to check. The devs in fact have an automatic rebalancer that changes the requirements of each challenge so that it is always possible after a balance patch.

By 68 im assuming you mean challenge 28 of the second part (which would actually be 78) because it has both leepricarn and noxious where the actual 68 doesnt. Just did it again and its still possible, and none of the phobies involved have been changed at all.

Yes, this is a challenge from the second part, I made a mistake with the number. In the second part, this is number 21. My temptresss does 850 damage, which is not enough to finish off furkin leepricarn. I can’t add a link to YouTube, but if you enter “Phobies desafío 71” in the YouTube search, you can see the solution.

Yeah that makes more sense cause 21 does actually have a unit that got nerfed (gonzo) that being said, challenge 21 of the second part is still possible and i just did it right now to check.

Just checked the video, and that method is no longer possible thanks to the gonzo nerf but there is still another way of completing it that you are missing.

Oh, thanks. I apparently settled on the solution from YouTube as the correct one and didn’t look any further. Now I tried it differently and everything worked out. It’s just that in most challenges Gonzo is used as a buffer as well as a digger for destroying obstacles :).