[Event] Craft-a-Phobie Contest

what is the IGN? i don’t know what that means and would like to enter


IGN- kickYUM


This is my favorite one so far!

it means In-Game Name (what’s your name in the game) @wallace55

IGN: YenedeyEy

I have designed 2 phobies (One best than another). I try using clay but It didn’t go very well. The first one is Wasp Been and the second is called Nautiloid, in honor to my friend who helped me taking the photos (I have a really bad pulse plus a really bad camera). The idea of the first one is to make a flying creature who can poison, fly and tank some hits. It would be big but with a low mobility and standard damage similar to BoMangles. Wasp Been would cost 4 keys or maybe 5 and it would be a rare monster phobie.

The second one, Nautiloid, would be a 6-keys phobie, with an unique ability. First of all it would be a Zombie phobie because of the noticeable fact that Nautilus are kind of extinct. This one has survived, but at what cost? It would be slow but probably one of the most tanky creatures in the game, and not only because of the 3000-4000hp it would have, but because of the ability I was talking about before. This ability would be called Hard-headed, and It would be an active ability that would work like this:

  1. You use it choosing a phobie on an adyacent place
  2. That phobie will only be able to do damage to Nautilus, but won’t damage other phobies
  3. Nautilus would enter in defensive mode, removing the ability to move for two turns, but reducing incoming damage from anything except poison, disease and those things 40% (Or maybe less, I don’t really know how it would be balanced)

This taunt would probably last for one or two turns, but the defensive mode would last for 1 turn more than the taunt. I think that this way would be more fair for the players against Nautiloid.

Also, I would make it have very low damage, because the main goal of this phobie is to waste the actions of big damage phobies (as cerberus or hydra) because sometimes you (I) have hard times fighting that type of phobies TxT. Hope you like the idea rather than the ugly clay figure!

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Straremaster :eye:

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Hi, I make this clay figure, I think my idea could be good with the tematic of Phobies, considering that it is a toy of a hero that could pass as an imaginary friend, which would sneak through the subconscious, in addition to being well within the context of fighting phobias and more with all those series where evil superheroes and stuff come out.
my ING is CUQC13

Im edit the imagen because all the 3 photos I take are big.

Here’s my creation, i named him trench foot.
IGN: craster


This is The Butcher. The blade on his right arm inflicts damage in a sweeping motion. Any Phobies adjacent to The Butcher are damaged. The main target receives 700 damage, the adjacent Phobies get half that.

In his left arm, The Butcher has a projectile that inflicts disease. It deals 500 base damage and 350 disease damage. Similar to Noxious. The ability has a range of two and inflicts damage in a circle around the target - all Phobies in the circle would take the 500 damage. The ability has a cool down of 5 turns.

The Butcher has HP 2000, 2 movement, 1 range. It costs 7 keys, is a stress Phobie, monster type.

IGN: will443

The Warden has a base health of 2500. It has 2 movement, 1 range, and deals 600 damage base attack. It costs 8 keys, is dimensional type.

The Warden’s base attack deals damage in a circle around it (all directions). If a Phobie is on any of those tiles it will take 600 damage. Cool down of 3 turns.

In its right hand, The Warden has a cage on a chain. There is a ghost inside the cage. When The Warden launches a special attack, the ghost inside the cage breaks out. The ghost targets a Phobie that is up to 3 tiles away and inflicts 600 damage. Other Phobies in the circle take half that. The ghost leaves soul fire in the circle. Soul fire is like regular fire but is permanent. It damages all Phobies, but friendly Phobies only take half the damage (base damage 200).

IGN: will443

Mi IGN es Shiro88
Está phobia es tipo zombie,es una quimera zombie ,está vivo ,muerto? No sé sabe lo único q sé sabe es q destruye todo a su paso
Valor 7 llaves ,un zombie raro con varías partes d diferentes creaturas,su habilidad depende d la q escojas,puede destruir paredes,envenenar ,atrapar,es ataque cuerpo a cuerpo se mueve 2 casillas por movimiento

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IGN Shiro88
Está phobia es tipo mecánico,es un poderoso dragón mecánico,con mucha armas y aditamentos además d su gran armadura ,valor 5 llaves dispara a 2 d distancia, su habilidad es a 3 d distancia y hace q se le reste 1 d capacidad d movimiento,si se mueve 2 casillas la phobia enemiga ahora se moverá solo 1 casilla por movimiento,se recarga cada 3 turnos y su habilidad activa dura 1 turno

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Muy padre y creativo excelente muy original

Gracias,no podía enviar lo demás ,te agradezco

IGN Shiro88
Mi último phobie es tipo monstruo,que habrá en lo profundo del mar? Este phobie te puede dar una idea,todo lo q se cruce con el queda atrapado costo 7 llaves,con una habilidad d atraer y dejar sujeto a la phobia enemiga si q se pueda mover ataca a 2 de distancia y se mueve 2

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Hello again, this is my second entry; and this time I make clay figure. I call him Aylmer because is a name relationated whit ashes; The photo is small this time because I took them from my laptop, I don’t tend to use it for that.
my ING is CUQC13

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Hi everyone!

I made two of my favourite Phobies - Scritch and Russell out of perler beads! Despite Scritch’s best efforts, he was unable to buff Russell’s poison :smiling_face_with_tear:

Very challenging to make both appear 3-D given their colour schemes, so it took awhile but was a fun challenge. Please check out the video at my Reddit forum submission because I wasn’t able to upload it here! Hope you all enjoy!!

IGN: Jawsh


A Lego spud because yes
IGN: SpongeSir