Nice idea! I love it, good luck.
The Displacement Challenge-the enemy phobies are the red dot numbers
Goal: Kill all enemy phobies this turn.
I decided the challenges should get a bit more difficult since its 51.
- To kill phobie number 1, you shoot it once with attractor and hit it once with heartbreaker. It will be weak but will die to lava.
- To kill phobie number 2, shoot it once with repeller and once with paddles. It will die as it was weakened before and is mechanical.
- To kill the next lot of phobies, move gravedigger in between enemy 4 and repeller. Break the wall to the right. Teleport paddles in front of rambolina and buff rambolina with paddles. Move rambolina to where the broken wall used to be. Now pull enemy 5 into the pit with attractor. The aoe pull also pulls enemy 4, to where 5 used to be.
- All that is left, is 3 and 4. Use rambolinas ability on 3, getting 3 knocked into the pit. Finally, push phobie number 4 with repeller. It falls into the pit because razor mouth has it blocked from going forwards.
Hope you like the idea!
IGN: WispyElf
- Motherload electrical overload
Aim to kill mother load with ray chargles and recapture panic point with mopsy ,your phobie - miss mofat, ray chargles,jarcannon,spud, mopsy
3. In game name is Eradinir
4. Solution - 1.attack twice with spud
2. Move and Pull with miss mofat
3.Put jar cannon on stim and attack
4. Move ray charges and shoot one and lava will kill mother load whose healthpoints is 2300
5. Capture panic point with mopsy
reward- could be different like stress levels like 30 or just new card like normal like 500 xp
- Bat and joker gone
Aim to kill bat and bo mangles
Phobies - miss mofat , heavo , gsuandahiet , ray chargles , jar cannon
3. In game name is Eradinir
4. Solution
- Damage murder wing with ray charge
- Move guasdahiet and kill the murder wing
- Move miss mofat to panic point and pull bo mangles
- Damage him with heavo on stim
- Finish him with jar cannon it is on the tile behind gsaundaheit
reward- could be different like stress levels like 30 or just new card like normal like 500 xp
My idea for Phobies Challenge
-My name in the game is AegonX
I hope my idea is understood as my English is not perfect.
Sure I skip many details but it’s all I have for now.
My idea generally deals with these aspects:
-1vs1 vs AI
-hold as long as possible
-Make the highest score possible
-Infinite challenge
The challenge is to make a certain amount of points but after completing the objective the player can continue playing.
I imagine a challenge where you have to hold out as long as you can and do as much heart damage as possible to the AI.
The AI will have infinite keys and could take out infinite phobies but not duplicates within the field, these phobies will go up 5 levels every time they die (for example if electtricat comes out, you kill it and the AI takes it out again this time it will be level 6 instead of 1 ).
The AI would never concentrate on capturing panic points, but it could hurt you if it captured them, but it would not pay attention to the panic points, it would just go straight to our heart, the map will have 5 to 3 panic points right in the middle of the map so the player could damage the heart of the AI (Which will have an overflowing amount of health about 100k minimum I think) slowly to gain points, but just as well endangering their own phobies.
The summary score would be:
Points for time ✓
Points for defeating phobies ✓
Points for doing damage to the heart of the AI ✓
A total ✓
Talking about the map, it should be a more or less big 8x10 map so that it is 4 squares long to position the phobies and just in the middle map squares will be panic squares.
some other details
-The player’s heart must have a considerable amount of life
-The map should have a healing box on the player side of the map
-The map should have abysses on the edges of the map preferably
-The map should have some obstacles so that the player can cover himself from the enemy with them.
-Some phobies in the AI should be restricted, for example those that switch places with other phobies and those that teleport phobies
Objective: Kill all enemy Phobie with a trap!
Challenge name: It’s a trap! (making reference to the star wars scene)
For this challenge we must have all the skills and turns of our phobies available, all the traps are already set, to overcome it we must do the following: (There is no specific order of actions so we can start with any)
-Paddles should give heartbreaker his active and heartbreaker should stand on the lava tile and pull AWOL onto Baba Yaga’s trap, killing both nearby phobies.
-Venus must retreat 2 spaces back giving way to Miss Moffat to lure Batula over Venus’s lava trap.
-Unicorn must use his 2 attacks on Ginsting and in turn Finnigan must stand on the lava block and push injured ginsting onto Unicorn’s trap to finish him off.
Why this challenge? I consider that traps have more potential than people think, they are even very fun to use, they have many mechanics and with this challenge I hope they will be used a little more often. Thx for the content gamedevelopers.
IGN: Eduridas
IGN: imasaru
Challenge name: Regenerative Cell Death
Objective: Kill Quagmire and Alley Gator with lava this turn
Map: Mysomania
Friendly units available: Greylien, zappy, KERBLOOM, Attractor, Octo-Naughty, Eternal Knight
Pictures of map included, split between upper and lower portion. Names in green signify friendly, red signifies enemy. Thank you very much for this opportunity!
Edits: adding IGN (I’m forgetful) and removing solution so people can’t instantly find the solution it if I happen to be chosen.
something that would be cool and change things around here.
- instead of lava you have poison tiles or freeze tiles
when you land on the poison it will poison you for 100 dmg or so for about 2-3 turns
the freeze tile can be frozen for 1 turn
by adding this to a challenge you can also test out if this is something that would be possible in multiplayer or pvp
other tiles that could be possible or could be cool to se in a challenge could be
Slow tiles (when walking over them you slow 1 movement so it would activate if you stand on it or walk over it)
Trap tiles (tiles that are hidden for both players but have some hints on the ground that shows that heey its a trap there
- add a time limit to certain challenges instead of trying to complete a challenge in 1 turn you have X amount of turns to Complete said challenge if that is by killing the heart or taking out a certain phobies or all of them in said time
I dont think there is any point in just adding a phobie vs phobie match like all other challenges since they are more of a puzzle than a challenge imo so this is my input on this
Edit. a challenge I would love to se is several Gobs against other phobies or something similar where you have to fight many of the same phobie to get past the challenge
Game name and discord name is Arkhan Arkhanundead ingame and here
Challenge - Entry 1.
Objective: Win the match this turn.
Description: The player’s heart is about to die. One attack from Maggie or Staremaster will make it stop! No time for capturing panic points!
There’s only one way out; Kill everyone!
Luckily, the elusive Akira has lend his “hand” to the player. Using his powerful ability with a combination of pulls and pushes and careful positioning the enemy will stand no chance, even an old Boomer friend is here to help but winning a battle not always comes without losses, someone might have to be sacrificed… -
Ally phobies: Akira, Miss Moffat, Clobster, In-Oculus, Boomer, Gravedigger, Repeller. (All Lv. 1).
Enemy Phobies: Snowball, Muffintop, Motherload, Staremaster, Maggie. (All Lv.1).
Disclaimer: I have not used Akira so i don’t know if the challenge would work as i have it pictured in my mind, it all depends on a certain phobie getting pulled to a specific tile.
Edit: The keyhole colors are swapped, the bottom spawn is supposed to be blue.
Nickname: C.H.A.R
destroy the heart in a this turn
Your Phobies:
Murderwing, level 1
blonde, level 2
Gesundheit, level 1
Jar cannon, level 3
Primate #9, level 1
Enemies Phobies:
Eternal knight, level 7
Fetch, level 4
Terrordactyl, level 7
Kill all the phobies with boom
Challenge Idea: Make use of Brony Ability
Objective: Use Brony Ability to ALL Enemy Phobies and MUST not kill any phobie
Phobies to use
Your Phobies:
Enemy Phobies: (Any enemy phobies can be use here that have an attack)
Description: This challenge will revolve around Brony’s Unique Ability that nullify any damage (Apart from poison and disease). Seems no challenge has done this, this will be a nice and unique kind of challenge that newbie and veteran players alike
Heartbreaker and Greylien is also not have use in the challenge before too. It will gives new players on how to use this unique abilities the switch places and places the enemy phobie beside heartbreaker
Group push can be also introduce here. It will give a better demonstration on how group push/pull works for new player and even some of experience players
This challenge introduce unique quirks and feature that can be used in a real battle.
Solution:(There’s no specific order, you can do any of this in any order you want)
*Push Unbearable using Fetch near Brony.
*Use attractor ability to pull Hydra closer.
*Move Greylien besides Unbearable and
brony and use its ability to hydra to switch places.
*Move heartbreaker 1 tile further to brony and use its ability to Bomangles and put it besides brony.
*Move rambolina near Grimes and Stabby and use its push ability to Grimes so that grimes and stabby move at the right direction.
*Lastly, Use Brony Ability and end turn.
Challenge Completed
Note:You can use other phobies in the enemy sides, it will be the same result nonetheless.
Hope this entry get chosen and goodluck to other players
IGN: Drayoox
Challenge: Kill all Phobies this turn
Phobies: You will have Beauty, Grave Digger, Greylien and Heavo 3.0 (all either friends or enemies at level 1)
How to win:
Get on square 8 with Greylien and then use her ability with Boom, this will make putting Beauty on square 4 kill Boom and Jar Cannon as well as freeing up Grave Digger who will put up a wall on square 20 that He will then use Heavo 3.0 to kill Cowbell and Maggie ending with a victory.
challenge: resurrection’t
objective: control the four panic tiles
all phobies (enemy’s and ours) are level 1
your phobies: beauty, clobster, sockassin, grave digger, suckee, kerbloom, murder wing
enemy phobies: ted, terrordactyl, jackalope king, jill
in this challenge, your objective is kill all phobies and then control all panic tiles.
jack king and terrordactyl are in line so beauty can use the ability to deal damage to jack and terror, then kerbloom move between jack and terror and exploted, after that suckee jumps toward terror killing it and move to terror panic tile.
jack is dead as well thanks to kerbloom, beauty move to jack panic tile.
murder wing move two tiles towards jill and then use the murder wing ability against jill, sockassin hit jill one time and then move to her panic tile.
finally grave digger hits ted twice so clobster can move 2 tiles and uses his ability to move 4 tiles and take over ted’s panic tile.
in-game name: DARKDUSTER (all in mays)
Win the game this turn.
in game name theandykat
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I wanted to create a challenging puzzle that requires unconventional thinking.
Elements of the puzzle that I wanted to include (spoilers bc it guides to solution):
1. stimpad sharing. charging off of it or getting pulled of by dimensional to let the next teammate use the stimpad. useful skill for game
2. Using a built structure to enhance aoe unit range. useful skill for game.
3. destroying a wall and then building a structure on top of it and then destroying that structure all in the same turn. unintuitive, puzzling
4.Utilizing the dimensional death-pull. stylish, cool, useful.
5. Misleading paths/options to add difficulty to the puzzle, but maybe it’s not good to include it. I would like players to look for a way to kill every unit instead of looking for how to destroy the heart
Intended solution:
destroy the heart with squiggles…
1:move casso to mid & do a stimpad boosted charge onto the enemy boomer
2: hit and kill boomer using gravedigger and then destroy the wall
3. With Mount Crushmore, build a structure in place of the destroyed wall & attack it either now or later
4. Move Noxious onto the stimpad and use special ability onto the structure.
5. Move Hematic Ginsting onto the stimpad and use special ability onto the structure.
6. after mount Crushmore, noxious and ginsting hit the structure, it’s destroyed. move hi-five into that spot where it stood and attack.
7. move squiggles next to the heart and hit it.
(post deleted by author)
My first entry
possible Challenge names:
-Pinball practice
-Perfect strike
-Push it to the limit
RED = Abyss holes
GREEN = Enemy phobies (any 3 with decent HP will do)
BLACK = Obstacles
Large Map layout set up to look like a pinball machine for fun.
Purpose: a lot of people still have a hard time with pushes and directions this will serve as good practice.
Here are starting vs completed layouts.
Im sure you will all figure it out from just those images… every phobie has full HP as HP wont matter in this challenge. friendly phobies all have 2 actions and will move once then use their push ability, except Droney who will move once and act as a bumper to redirect a pushed enemy.
GOAL: to push all 3 enemy phobies in the holes.
“THDante” is my IGN
So much power!
Objetive: kill everyone on this round.
No tomar en cuenta el número de movimientos que tienen las phobies en la imagen (lo digo porque Motherload solo tiene 1), la ronda inicia justo donde están las phobies en la imagen.
Y por si las dudas aqui esta la solucióm del challenge (en español):
Grave digger destruye el obstaculo frente a Rambolina, Cassowary mata a Eternal Knight, despues ataca a staremaster, Rambolina avanza y usa su habilidad, Jar cannon toma la casilla “fortalecedor” y ataca a Terrodactyl, Motherload se mueve en medio de las phobies restantes y usa su habilidad, por ultimo Fetch termina con Terrodactyl.
(Perdon por usar español, es que mi nivel de inglés no es muy bueno)
Watch out for the abyss and spiders!
Objetive: Kill hematic Ginsting, Miss moffat and Fishtank on this round.
IGN: EdsynousPrim.
Solución (en español): mover a rambolina a la casilla de pánico detras de Fishtank y usar su habilidad para tirar a Fishtank y Miss Moffat al abismo, despues colocar a tu propia Miss Moffat en la casilla “fortalecedor” y atraer a Hematic Ginsting con su habilidad, para terminar con si vida con tus demás phobies.
(Una vez más, me disculpo por usar español, pero espero que aun así mi participacion sea tomada en cuenta)
Solution (in English): move rambolina to the panic box behind Fishtank and use her ability to knock Fishtank and Miss Moffat into the abyss, then place your own Miss Moffat in the “strengthening” box and lure Hematic Ginsting with his ability to end his life with your other phobies.
(Traducido por el traductor de google por si acaso)
Name: zombie’s night
Undead party
Challenge: You have to use only zombie or undead tipe phobie in a Match
Renward: 200 tears and 2500 xp
Name: DarKY0897