Smiley is a little too broken
she has the Venom it doesn’t go away
and she can Sprint across the the map at you
She cant ‘sprint’ without support. Im assuming you faced some kinda combo with paddles cause on her own shes slow as heck.
Smiley is and has always been one of the most polarising units in this game, its either broken or bad depending on who you ask. Statistically it has been bad as its been buffed twice and only now am i starting to actually lose games occasionally to it. Disease in general is polarising, some people view it as ‘oh my gosh infinite damage’ and so they play paranoid avoiding it at all costs and lose, really, its generally a low amount per turn and the game has healing, you can often power through it. smiley has literally no stats outside of its disease, making it extremely susceptible to just being ignored and wiping the rest of the team before its damage matters. That being said, its disease is a lot now and if youre in a stall match its really hard to play around. So i dont blame people for thinking its OP given that it can very often carry a game singlehandedly despite the fact that it also can quite often cost people the game on its own.
Pls buffet misanthrope,for 3 keys minotaur and baby snakey are way better and even on disease and poison maps I never use him
I actually had a match recently where i needed misanthrope, but yeah in general hes kinda weak.
I think Boss needs to be fireproof. Give about a 10% reduction in stats to compensate, but it just feels out of character that a demon that is literally born from fire is hurt by it. It’s even in his picture!
This is something i see a fair bit where people try and prioritise game “logic” over balance or fun. First of all this is a game built upon manifestations of our fears battling on a metaphysical plane, the ‘fire’ here is a fear of fire, whos to say boss isnt still afraid of fire despite being made of it?
Second of all should every fire unit be immune to fire? Should every freeze unit be immune to freeze? Should disease units be immune to disease? You can apply this logic a million ways and cause a million balance problems for the sake of logic in a game thats not even thematically built on logic. I just dont really see the point.
Mostly i agree with you, but there is a pure game reason too for boss. His area attack can hurt him for a number of times when he attacks. Compare that to sheeping gas. You can set that off in the same places and affect a similar set of opponents, but you don’t get poisoned. I have not seen any other characters that have this area effect fire ability, and i don’t think there are any other units that cause a post turn area effect like that. If there is a poison character that turned a similar sized area of the map to green poison for 2 turns then yes, i think that character should also be immune to that poison.
Fireants trap fire lasts as long as bosses does and also hurts him. One of the big methods of counterplaying him is using other trappers to trip fireants traps to hurt him.
Theres also other units that can choose to self sabotage, you can step on your own invisible units, move allies into pits with le shovell akira and ash, stomp your own bone units etc.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, I know I can choose whether I take damage from “you’re fired”, I just think that boss would be more interesting if he was fireproof, but slightly weaker. Still 8 keys, slightly less health, and less attack on the special. I’m not sure how powerful you feel being fireproof is, I think it’s 100-300 reduced damage per turn, sometimes. It’s far less than the effect mechanicals have being immune to poison (100-800).
I haven’t got it, but I’m pretty sure fireproof is already a trait too, i don’t think I’m asking for a new feature.
As an ultra rare, he be more interesting, not over powered, and it’d fit his character.
Yeah the phobie jaws seem to op for what its worth dont get me wrong its a great phobie just a nerf to its movement or a limit to how many phobies it can eat.
I feel like a lot of people dont understand how to deal with jaws, him eating a large amount of units is actually a bad thing, because it means you can easily trap him in with dimensional units and if he dies youve instantly won the game
I mean thats if you can trap him at least if he had 2 movement range it will be easer and for example if he eat a ceberus or alot of key 1 monster it will be hard to deal with cause most of the time there Cautious.
If theyre cautious and have eaten a cerbeus theyve wasted 11 keys on a unit thats not doing anything. You can literally hit them in the face straight up with a psyclops with a team backed up behind it, if they kill the psyclops congratulations they lost 11 keys and you lost 5. Jaws is best when its eating a couple cheap high damage units like awol and wiggy and investing 6-8 keys for a high damage unit
Thanks for the insight and i got a le shovell i still think its a pain to deal with but its doable.
Beauty is frail. try using Phobies with good range to bring it down. Noxious might be a very good option since it can fly and it’s ranged attack has poison. Or just have a Smiley near your frontline, Beauty won’t even dare to attack
That was message before beauty got nerfed
ok sorry
(20 kabooms planted under you desk at 4:31 P.M.)
yes, like maybe making his damage boost a passive ability every 3 rounds for 2 rounds
bloat and badfish