This one needs to get hyped up WAY more… Id use her if she had more bite, more something, anything, but a zap?? ,and they still standing. Her steps are what three or four at a turn and for what, a zap?? Her range to hit the enemy sucks super big time… I’m begging you guys, make me proud… thanks a bunch!!
,oh and Boofairy is my very favorite, I get a kick how he runs around and the eyeballs, lol!! Great job, maybe have him show some teeth as well when he hits them with the eyeballs??? just a thought…
I think the idea the devs had for hydra was for it to be a less tanky mechanical version of Cerberus. Also with hydras amount of damage and health, they have to limit their abilities in other areas.
Hydra doesn’t really need a buff, can’t do movement cause it would be a cheaper fishtank (fishtank and hydra have the same exact damage), can’t do damage since it’s already high, also can do health since that’s already high, hydra is meant to be a slow slugger/tank with high damage.
Thank you for the input on Hydra. I understand all that’s been shared, idk still think it’s a bummer, lol! But, I see how the powerful ones are very much alike, better for small game maps, not the longer ones… thanks again😉