I am back and will never go again

I dont play this game about 1 year. I got bored after I was getting my first ultra rare(except Jar cannon). I was collecting tears until season end and used to play this game to the maximum every day. I got the most valuable pack at the end of the season(season golden pack). I cant beleive I played 168 games! In average I played 20 times per day. I become tryharder. I really got dissapointed when got new phobies, because I lose my strategy. I asked for events so many times, but whenever I delete this game and dont think about It, the new event comes right ahead my nose. I recommend this game to my good friend and we played It together. But when he is not with me I got bored and he got bored too.(But we rarely played together because I am always better than him :joy:). When we played first time I used Jill and he dont understand how to kill her. I won. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I cant believe I collected 1584 coffee beans and I got surprised because this game is not like “pay to win”. I think Its is because I lost I few matches because of some really buff phobies. And I also watched I lot youtubers where they are buying a lot of packs and coffee beans for money. But I understand that is their job. To be promoted and do the promotion for some things like this game and etc. So I changed my mind about this game.
When I opened all packs(for all of my 25000 tears and the most of that packs is scary ) and season end pack(golden of course) I got about 10 new phobies and one of them is ultra rare(Heavo 3.00).
When I was opening all of this packs I had flu. It totally destroy my coenfidence about everything that include this game. I finnaly understand that there is only a three games that I can play every time everywhere. And one of them is Phobies. I am sorry If I am a boring. Thank every one in advance!


welcome back :slight_smile:

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