Im about to get my season pack

(Im praying for it to be ultra-rare, rare, or something good at least)

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I’m in primals 2 with a silver pack, wish you luck!

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Thanks, man. I used to be in primals ll, until i lost like 15 battles (ill sendnyou a friend request, my user is Mötörhead)

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Just accepted it
[20 characters]

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Thanks, but i want to ask. What are the ultra-rares you have rn?

Nah I only have jar canon

Did you throw on that game where I used Ms. Moffat?

What does that mean?

You did really bad usually on purpose or you know you did (I think that’s what it means) no offense btw

In the first two games i did bad on purpose. On the 3rd i actually tried

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Only 180?

I’ve done 300
(Also @Leechbone I’ve done a friend request)

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Its because of the daily tears limit, i dont go over it, but good for you
(Mf just said “you’re pathetic” in the most respectful way)

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Honestly I go beyond the tear limit (even the exp limit)

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Yeah i can tell you do. You pass the COFFEE limit as well, dont you?


No I actually didn’t know there was a coffee cap until someone on the phobies discord told me

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Wait…there actually is? Whats the limit? Does the offer wall coffee count?

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I don’t think so (also don’t use offerwall)

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Nah I’m at 99 rn : (

[20 freaking characters]

If I get the VIP pass I’ll have 4k + some extra coffee and a truckload of xp, and I’m almost finished with the event so then I might get the tier 1 ticket all for $6 instead of $25 from the other offer

Damn and im here barely squeezing out the bronze pack in doomsday 3