I was just wondering…

I don’t mean this in a creepy way but does anyone know hopeloy personally? And how is he like

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I’d also like to know. He’s certainly a P2W player, being that he has every phobie except the last two Stress Level phobies, and has lvl 23+ phobies. Other than that, I have no clue.


Let’s hear it from the man himself.



Maybe we can summon him


Yeah maybe @Hopeloy @Hopeloy

@Hopeloy @Hopeloy @Hopeloy @Hopeloy @Hopeloy @Hopeloy @Hopeloy @Hopeloy @Hopeloy @Hopeloy @Hopeloy @Hopeloy

Stop doing that, hopeloy isnt coming.

They say if you wake up at 3:00 am on your parents house, go to the mirror and scream Hopeloy 3 times, a great figure known as your mother Will spawn and beat your ass saying ¿WhY aRe You YeLLiNg?!!

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