In search of advice regarding an unexpected guest in my garden!

Hello everyone,

Today, I allow myself to deviate slightly from the topic of the game to share an intriguing experience in my garden. Recently, I discovered the unwelcome presence of a wasp nest that seems to have taken residence in a corner of my outdoor space. Ironically, much like in our favorite games, an unforeseen threat is looming in my own environment. The situation is becoming delicate. In seeking advice, a friend suggested a product to deter these winged intruders here stophornet*.*com/products/hornet-treatment. Before venturing into this solution, I would like to hear about your experiences and recommendations. Have you ever faced a similar problem, and what tricks or productss have you found effective in getting rid of wasps? Thank you.

Unfortunately, Ginsting is a really strong card, so I’d say you’re out of luck. The best way to counter him is with your own strong phobies; klepto, ginsting, heavo… He doesn’t really get countered.

Wasps in real life? Idk what real life is, sry

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Game: no way out of him, his might is just too great, just try and stick with what you got and try and wittle him down
Garden: no clue