Is This Cheating?

Hello Team, I’m pretty sure this player cheated in this game but I’m not sure if it is a known exploit or bug that can be exploited. As I was making my 8th move of the match, the notification that I had disconnected came onto the screen but there was no issue with my internet connection or anything. I happen to be recording the game after time so please review my screen footage against the game replay to see how this appears to be cheating. Thanks

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Connection issues like this happen all the time in every game. Ive not seen any exploits that allow you to force disconnect your opponent and game servers are always finnicky and sometimes a match can disconnect despite you personally having good internet. I wouldnt jump the gun and assume cheating here.


Thanks, but I’ve been playing this game since the start and have played thousands of games, this is not finicky connection issues.

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Ive played thousands of games, this has happened to me before in arena, and your conclusion that he somehow force disconnected your client in a live match, makes no sense, how do you know it was him exploiting a bug and not just a bug in the game that occurs randomly that disconnects you? There are multiple ways to explain what happened here, with him knowing some way of “cheating” his way into disconnecting your client being the explanation that makes the least amount of sense.

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It was on your turn and all, its not like he did something on his turn that disconnected you, how do you know you didnt cause a bug that disconnected yourself?

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You haven’t even seen the video recording I captured, why are you so forceful about dismissing the matter without even knowing the details?

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Because if something ‘happened’ to my wifi connection, my mobile data network would have immediately kicked in as it does every other time when I’ve seen that message and not thought it was cheating but this did not happen this time so are you suggesting that somehow ‘something’ caused two non related connection issues across two different services providers at the exact same time?

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Im ‘forceful’ here because you’re going to the devs accusing someone of cheating, and your explanation of what this opponent is supposed to have done makes no sense.


I literally never suggested that it was a problem with your internet. I had assumed you already had something like that setup which is why you were confident that wasnt case. What i was suggesting, was that maybe the game server messed up on your client, which would then disconnect you regardless of which service provider you were using. There are tons of explanations for this that make 100x more sense than ‘my opponent magically force disconnected my game on my own turn’

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Maybe, maybe… Hence the reason for my enquire to the developers otherwise, how will we know…?

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Just out of curiosity, what is at stake here for you…? As in, why you so invested… I mean what do you care?

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I dont have an issue with you going to the developers, but youre starting it off with ‘hey this person is probably cheating, please look into it’ and im saying not to jump the gun and assume your opponent is maliciously targetting you, when there are plenty of other explanations for the problem that just happened.

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I like to help people on here get bugs and issues sorted. I have gotten devs attention before on bugs that are known common issues. If theres a problem happening with the game servers i would like to be able to notify the devs about it.
I also in general dont like people accusing others without good evidence. Its not very nice.


Fair enough, but that can’t be your only level of interest in what should have been something random as it’s not like I was saying you cheat or anything… Or do you…? Is that why you’re protesting so much, do you utilise some kind of tactic like this to cheat or have you been accused of cheating or something so you get a bit triggered by things like this maybe…? Hypothetically, what if it turns out to be exactly what I suspect this to be, you’re going to look pretty strange I would suggest, no…? I wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of submitting this if it was just some random inconsequential connection issue that happen quite regularly would I, I mean, I’m not a moron, well at least I hope I’m not… I must have a reason for going to the trouble of sending this enquiry, I’m just not sure why you have made about things that it could be when all it is at this point of time is my experience having participated in literally thousands of games and having experienced every technical issue and glitch and bug, as well as opponents utilising exploits as well as outright cheating… I completely get what you’re saying but in order for it to be valid or even needing to be said would require me having to be some kind of idiot and I don’t believe that to be the case so if the devs don’t want to investigate they don’t have to, but dismissing everything because of 100 things it could be but wouldn’t be if investigated seems like the type of thing one would say when they don’t want the answer to be discovered which again, seems really strange as it wasn’t about you but maybe it should be…? ‘The lady doth protest too much’ springs to mind for some reason…

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Great, now youre accusing ME of cheating with no evidence. This is exactly what im talking about. If you want my personal internal psychology here, im active on these forums and in other places and see stuff like this happen all the time. The amount of times ive seem top players be reported to the devs because they have a large amount of 2-4 turn games on their accounts is way too high and every time you explain to them that no, every top player is not cheating their way to the top, they have that many surrenders because people know who they are and know they cant win matches against them, and every single time, they double down exactly like this. What you are is conspiracy brained, you take a series of possible explanations and your first conclusion is always the most extreme. When questioning why I am arguing against you your first conclusion is that im cheating, and your second one is that i have dealt with accusations like this before, when the second one is much more likely to be the case than the first.

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For the record, I do not cheat, and have actively reported known provable exploits to the devs all the time in order to get them fixed.


Nice try buddy, but that wasn’t me accusing you of cheating so stop being silly, please… And don’t use that to hide behind how strange this entire conversation has been been when it had nothing to do with you…

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Ah yes you didnt accuse me of cheating you just rambled an entire paragraph about the possible explanations i could have for arguing in a forum, with your top explanation being that i cheat. That is so incredibly different from what i said


Okay, glad to hear it… Sounds like we are on the same team so again, I’m not sure why you’ve been giving me such a hard time for doing what you just said should be done… Provide the details to the devs which is all I did… Let’s just wait and see what the outcome is if anything… I’ve got nothing against you friend, I’m just not a noob and I was wanting the devs to look into something I’m fairly certain was an exploit… take care man and no hard feelings, I was mainly just playing around with you, all good.


I have told you specifically my issue with this, in that you keep jumping the gun and accusing people of cheating with no evidence. I have explained why i find this annoying to you and yet youre still playing dumb, in spite of your claims that you arent a moron.