I got into the game in an earlier season(S1-2), and got pretty high into the ranks becoming a 33 level player. When it got harder to match the high leveled phobies, I didn’t really care- Some better placement and could still get me the victory. Than, at a point where I couldn’t one-shot the long range bombard anymore(yup even the jar cannon felt tanky) I realized I lost more games that felt unfair.
I were cool with it though, I were in love with the game and just dropped off the game for a year.
Than now, I came back… To realize the gap has only ever widened is discouraging really. I feel way less motivated to play.
-Introduce lvl based matchmaking at least as an option. You can make it seperate, unranked. The game really needs fairplay.
-Give gifts to returning players(the level gap only ever widens)
Hopefully it’ll get better, and I can grind back to the ladder.
Greatest wishes, & git gud.
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I normally object to level based matchmaking but having it be a seperate unranked version gets rid of a lot of the problems i normally have with it. Honestly not bad implementation of that idea, though i personally prefer just reducing the stat gains of levelling, its a lot easier and reduces the levelling problem significantly.
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Why not have an accelerating level decay.
So for the first month nothing happens, then you lose 1 level every other week for the next 10 weeks, then 1 level every week for another 10 weeks. Maybe limit it to 1/2 your current level so a level 10 comes back as a level 5, whereas a level 80 comes back as level 65.
I’m not sure level is the right thing though. I thought level was just an idea of the strength of your phobies in general. I thought matches were made according to your elo rating that defines your league. However it is even easier to apply the same decay there, but your talking ~50 eol per week.
Losing a level a week?! Heck no. That only makes the game even more p2w. Now free players cant grind their way up to getting a proper level and only people that can pay to ramp up levels can compete. The later stress levels get exponentially harder to level up in. At stress level 100+ i cannot physically gain a stress level a week f2p its not possible, i would have to pay money to get any further. The puff stress level starts out needing 474 points worth of upgrading and ends at exactly 600. It takes me the same time you take going from stress level 30 to stress level 40 to go from 100 to 101.
Yo, I realized that an everyone lvl 1 gamemode would be better for this and got some info that the devs were already thinking about it.
Im quite happy if I can play with skill based matchmaking while not having to worry about levels. Just gotta wait & see.
Where did you get that info from? because the devs have said publically on multiple occasions that they have no plans to make any kind of new gamemode because it slows down matchmaking.
Nowhere too trustworthy- Saw it mentioned on discord and this forum while I were looking at others ideas to fix it.
I guess you can’t really call that an info
The devs couldve changed their mind on it, it has been a while since theyve made the comments im talking about but id say at the very least they tend to be wary about making new modes
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