- Suckassin
Health : 200
Damage : 1 +(8 poison damage)
Attack type : line of sight
Attack tiles : 1
Rarity : UR
key cost : 2
Class : monster
Movement type : walking
Movement tiles : 1
Description : have you ever been disappointed?
- Badcake
Health : 155
Rarity : UR
Key cost : 2
Class : monster
Movement type : walking
Movement tiles : 1
Ability : emotional damage : -800 attack and -1000 health
- Unlucky cat
Health : 50
Damage : 100
Attack tiles : 1
Atttack type : line of sight
Rarity : UR
Key cost : 2
Class : monster
Movement type : walking
Movement tiles : 2
Ability : unluckiest and luckiest
-1000 damage for allies
(Infinite time)
All map
Also all of these URs are not bad but very situational
Cupcake and bad omen arent even situational.
Pre nerf, cupcake was so overpowered that people literally kept a list of who had it so they could avoid it on ladder, thats how overpowered it was. And now its still pretty overpowered, its just not gamebreakingly broken. This is the biggest ive ever seen someone sleep on a crazy good unit in my entire life. Cupcake is still S tier i frankly want it to be nerfed again. And bad omen is very very strong, ive got tons of matches of it singlehandedly winning games if you wanna check them out, 2 keys for an aoe 250 debuff is vicious and can lock people out of the game very easily in aggro setups. I guess the ‘situation’ is that you have to be aggressive with bad omen, but if you are aggressive it can win games on the spot.
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Cupcake easily outranks most of the ultra rares in this game, only ultra rares that could be argued to be better are heavo 3.0, akira, and mayybe boss and brony.
Sockassin is not so bad for a 1 cost

Heres a game i just won against a level 100 soaf player in 13 turns thanks to bad omen, bad omen shut off their entire team and prevented them from fighting back
None of these units are even close to bad, most of them rank among the better URs of this game and cupcake is one of the best URs in the game
For cupcake i can see still see its value like if you have a klepto or heavo 3.0 it can make a killer combo but if you don’t have these guys or any good phobies that you’re screwed because i don’t think its gonna do much to a hydra. For bad omen its based on how the opponent use there phobies meaning they have to have a peanut brain to align all there phobies in a circle or atleast two phobies near each other which most people probably may just retreat and just leave one phobie to attack and possibly kill bad omen. And suckassin is a uhhhhhh trash the main problem is his shit health yeah you can make the argument its a one key and has good poison damage but in my opinion he’s probably one of the worst just because of his health its comparable to kaboom and also his range doesn’t help at all, also if there healing spas or a blue alien or a healer then he becomes useless because if even that phobie is a dimensional it can just retreat and heal. The only way i can see socks work is against a undead phobie
the trick to bad omen is forcing them into situations where they dont have a choice but to group up. splash effects are really good in this game because to dive or kill something you have to group up, you dont have a choice. this is why i tend to use bad omen with something like a hydra. if they split up their units to play around the bad omen, i can just walk hydra to their base. and if they group up to try and kill the hydra i debuff them and win thanks to bad omen. this principle basically means you can engineer situations where the opponent literally cannot win, no matter what play they make, because they have the wrong units out. this is what bad omen shines at, forcing situations where the opponent cannot win.
also as ive said, for cupcake to be strong you only need a ginsting. that baseline combo is 300 extra damage + 150 to every nearby enemy + an extra 300 damage if you get a double attack + 650 heal for 2 keys. its honestly good against hydra, because you can use it to buff a ginsting or whatever, hit for 600 extra damage + whatever you do to their support. heal a unit hydras attacking, and cause it sacrifices itself to do this, you can summon another unit immediately in to fight off the hydra. I think you are seriously underestimating how powerful cupcake is. 300 damage that doubles on defence, that can be added to other units so instead of having cupcakes range it has the range of whatever unit it buffed, gives you back a board slot immediately after using it, heals the target for 650 and gets extra bonus damage depending on the phobie it buffed is insanely strong. imagine if wiggy could just attach its 600 damage to another phobie to extend the range wiggy hits at, while also healing that unit and giving you an extra board slot. thats what cupcake can do on defence.
this is also the reason why i would say heavo 3.0 is one of the top units, heavo 3.0 is amazing at creating scenarios where no matter what play you make, you cant win. his aoe is so powerful that you have to split up to avoid getting melted, but splitting up makes it really hard to kill him, and can allow him to get loads of free hits, making it often times impossible to win cause you just dont have units powerful enough to fight him one on one and if you group up he just carpet bombs your whole team