Im sorry to complain again, but just look at this real quick
Now i understand why people say its a pay to win game. And also, i already fought with this guy once, qnd dramatically lost. These screenshots are FROM THE SAME GUY, BECAUSE I GOT PAIRED WITH HIM 2 MORE TIMES (except the frosty screenshot, thats a different player)
Now, some guy by the name SHAIK, suggested the following idea
And to be honest, i agree with this. Because what will you do when some guy whips out a level 16 akira when you haven’t even unlocked oopsy baby. LIKE ITS JUST NOT REAL, YOU’RE DONE! Either the “all units should be free and given to them right off the bat” either needs to be official, or ATLEAST make it a frenemie mode, because wtf are we doing here. Even tho if you make it into a frenemie game mode, it will be fun, but will not solve the issue.