so i participated now 5 times for the gold rank and 1 time for silver since starting (and remembering) and I’m curios how you expirienced the droprates of each rank with new phobies.
i thought at the beginning gold gives you for sure a SR , silver a R and bronze a uncommon, but this is not true. and this even more reduces the motivation to make this grind. (last event i was on like 50 won games after finishing the event without the pass)
for gold i got grimes, cecilia, heavo plaid, and this morning sockassin as ultra Rare and Sappy (uncommon) the 4th time.
I believe now that this is quiet lucky to get 4 Ultra Rares out of 5 pulls, after realizing how slotty this game is.
the silver one gave me Upgrade cards.
what did you get as phobies from the monthly rewards?
ever get Ultra Rare from Silver or Bronze?
did you ever get a phobie from Bronze?
and how often you get just upgrade cards?
Any circumstance you got just upgrade cards for your monthly as average leveled player?
I’m curios