My 5 Original Phobie Ideas

Since I downloaded this game, I have been thinking about a lot of new Phobie ideas. And because there are 5 of them, I created my own thread. Here are the 5 Phobies I would love to see added to the game.

  1. Gentlesauce

Key Cost:4
Rarity: Rare
Race: Monster
Movement range: 2
Movement type: Walking
Attack range: 2
Attack type: Lob, single target attack
Damage: 200
Fire Damage: 100 :hourglass_flowing_sand: 2

Special ability: Soaked With Spices!
Description: Sacrifices itself in order to deliver damage and set fire on all enemy units.
Attack range: All map
Damage: 400
Fire damage: 200 :hourglass_flowing_sand: 3

Backstory: While scientists were trying to create a hot sauce that cures every disease, something went wrong and the sauce gained conciousness.

  1. Mr. Magnet

Key cost:4
Rarity: Rare
Race: Mechanical
Health: 1000
Movement range: 2
Movement type: Flying

Special ability: N&N
Description: Pushes an enemy unit backwards 1 tile.
Range: 2
Attack(Not an attack, actually. I just don’t know which word to use) type: Line of sight

The other S.A.: N&S
Description: Pulls an enemy unit in 1 tile.
Range: 2
Attack(Same as above) type: Line of sight

Backstory: He is a strong neodium magnet with an AI. Scientists used him in experiments.

  1. Necromancer

Key Cost:7
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Race: Undead
Health: 1200
Movement range: 1
Movement type: Walking
Attack range: 1
Attack type: Line of sight, single target attack
Damage: 400
Poison damage: 200 :hourglass_flowing_sand: 4

Special ability: Back to Carnage!
Description: Revives a friendly undead unit which died before in the match.
Range: 1
Cooldown: 5

Backstory: No one knows. He is just a mysterious half snake half human creature who lives in barren mountains and does necromancy.

  1. Death Angel

Key Cost:8
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Race: Dimensional
Health: 1200
Movement range: 1
Movement type: Walking
Attack range: 1
Attack type: Line of sight, single target attack
Damage: 600

Passive ability: Heart Attack
Description: Deals additional damage when attacking the enemy heart
Additional damage: 800

Special ability: Approaching Apocalypse
Description: Can target an enemy if it’s tile forms a straight line with your tile. The unit is damaged as well as enemy units behind.
Attack range: 2
Attack type: Line of sight, beam attack
Damage: 800
Cooldown: 1

Backstory: Legends say that in a civilized dimension which sorcery exists, some people were trying to turn themselves into angels. In order to do this, all the people arranged a ritual tu turn people into angels. However, the ritual went wrong and people mixed and corrupted, turning into this parasite-looking abomination. Now you can summon it copying the ritual, and then it will tear your universe galaxy from galaxy, just like many others.

  1. Trapmaker

Key Cost:7
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Race: Dimensional
Health: 1400
Movement range: 2
Movement type: Bypassing
Attack range: 2
Attack type: Lob, targeted AOE attack
Damage: 400

Special ability: RandoMines
Description: Places a random trap. Can contain any effect. It might be a normal/poison/freeze/fire trap. The stats belong to the current trap Phobies. For example, freeze traps have the stats of Jeeves’ traps.
Range: 2
Cooldown: 1

Backstory: One day a man finds a weird cube and an ancient note saying “Who touches the PuzzleBox shall turn into the master and god of his/her favorite puzzle”. The man’s favorite puzzle is minesweeper and he turns into this weird looking guy, talented to make traps.


i like them, amazing art aswell :clap:


Absolutely amazing work! The effort you put is insane. The artwork is good and the phobie ideas are great, keep it up