i have noticed that some players has been. Moving more and attacking more then the pieces is supposed to need something done about that.
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Send a screenshot of whats happening, cause i doubt thats the case, every unit has 2 actions except billy that has 3 ive never seen any players move or attack more times than 2
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I thought that happened me first when i started playing it, but your opponent is probably undoing their turns.
he moved his bat 3 times if we could send the replay you could see screen shots doesn’t show nothing
Screenshot the turn you think this is happening, because ive watched the entire replay and his bat never moves 3 times.
I dont know what youve gotten confused over but youve gotten confused at something cause murderwing only ever used 2 actions per turn that game. Either youve confused arenas undo function for using an extra turn or gotten confused over murderwings 2 flying movement or something, theres no bug here.